Other Pets

Learn to know your rabbit’s body language

Escrito por Mundocachorro

Rabbits can be adorable and fun pets. They are able to bond with caregivers and can actually enjoy human companionship. If you have a rabbit, it’s good to learn what its body language tells you on different occasions.

It should be known that rabbits are able to recognize people by voice, scent and even appearance. They are also able to learn to recognize the sound of their name and respond when you call them. Like any other pet, it is also necessary that you give them some care for a healthy and happy life.

What your rabbit’s body language tells you

Learning to distinguish the different signals of your rabbit’s body language will help you establish better communication bonds. This way you will learn to know what things make him happy and what things can make him suffer. You will also be able to notice if they are sick or feeling unwell.

  • Jump. Very happy rabbits can take a leap in the air
  • Ears. A rabbit with ears angled at 45 degrees and with slow nose movements is a confident and relaxed rabbit.
  • Turn around. When you notice that your rabbit rolls over and lies on its side, it may be taking a nap and feeling relaxed.
  • Pushing. As an attention-getting mechanism, rabbits may push on a person’s hand, foot or leg.
  • Acicalar. If your rabbit rubs his paws on his face or licks his fur, he is grooming himself and is relaxed. If it grooms another rabbit or you, it is a sign of affection.
  • Licking. Licking other rabbits or people are signs of affection that your rabbit can give when it is calm, relaxed and happy.
  • Throwing toys. Rabbits like to play and may throw toys with their mouths or hit them with their paws.
  • Yawning. When waking up or before going to sleep, rabbits may yawn. They will stretch their front legs and throw their heads back, while opening their mouths to yawn.
  • Boxing. Rabbits can stand on their hind legs in a position that might resemble boxing. The front legs shall be upward and the ears straight and pointing outward. This is a posture that indicates that your rabbit is very frightened and stressed.
  • Tapping. If you notice a rabbit tapping the floor with its hind legs, it is a sign that it is upset. It can also do this at a signal of danger and to warn other rabbits.
  • Flatten. A rabbit that flattens its abdomen against the ground and has its ears flat against its head is a rabbit that is very frightened.
  • Stoop. If you notice that your rabbit adopts a hunched posture, it is possible that it is suffering from some kind of pain. Squinting or ears laid back and very flat are other signs of pain in your rabbit.

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