Care Dogs

How to protect your dog’s pads in summertime

Escrito por Mundocachorro

Your dog’s pads are one of the most sensitive areas of his body, although they are also quite resistant. In fact, they offer a kind of protective barrier for the legs, since they are in constant contact with the ground. But it is a sensitive part because they are full of nerve endings. For these and other reasons, you should take care of them and take extreme precautions in summer.

It is important to know that in addition to the nerve endings, your dog’s pads also contain sweat glands that allow your dog to regulate its temperature. In addition, it is these same glands that, when rubbed against the ground, allow them to mark territory by impregnating the site with their scent. The sweat glands are responsible for keeping the pads hydrated and moist to prevent dryness. You may notice that the pads play an important role in your dog’s body, so you should take certain measures to protect them in the heat.

Protecting your dog’s pads

In the summer, your dog’s pads can suffer from some aggressions such as irritation, cuts, dryness and abrasion burns. On the other hand, it should be noted that injuries can also be suffered by your dog in winter when stepping on ice or snow. So you have to take care of this part of your body.

  • The five seconds. One action you should take before going for a walk with your dog is the so-called five-second rule. It’s simple: place the palm of your hand on the floor for five seconds. If you feel that you can’t stand the heat, don’t expose your dog’s pads to it either.
  • Avoid the central hours. In the summer, it is a good idea to go for a walk early in the morning or when the sun has already set. In fact, it is important to avoid the central hours of the day, which are usually the hottest. If you are at the beach, remember that the sand can reach very high temperatures on summer days and your dog could injure his pads.
  • Search for turf and soil soils. Another option is that during the hottest days, walks should be in natural environments such as parks and gardens with dirt or grassy grounds. This is because they will heat up less than asphalt. If your pet is small, you could carry it in your arms while driving on the asphalt and release it when you reach the dirt floor.
  • Wearing shoes. In the market you can find some models of shoes specially designed to protect your dog’s pads. However, it is important to know that not all dogs tolerate them well, so you will have to accustom them to their use little by little. For example, start putting shoes at home. When you notice that he begins to tolerate them, give him a treat or reward.
  • Moisten. In case the temperature is high on the ground as well when you have to take your dog out, you could periodically moisten its paws. This will keep them fresh and prevent injuries.
  • Review. After walks, check your dog’s paws to make sure he hasn’t injured himself or gotten any thorns or spikes from trees or bushes in his paws.
  • Moisturize. You can use a special moisturizer for this area. This will prevent them from cracking and keep them strong and elastic.

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