Other Pets

niños pequeños

Why turtles are good pets for young children

When it comes to choosing the perfect pet for young children, many families consider turtles as an attractive and beneficial option. Although dogs and cats are often thought of as the most…

golosinas nutritivas

Learn about the best nutritious treats for your bird

Birds require a balanced diet to stay healthy and happy. In addition to their staple food, treats are an excellent way to add variety and additional nutrients to your bird’s diet. However,…


Is it a good idea to have a pet salamander?

Salamanders, also known as “axolotls,” are fascinating aquatic creatures that have gained popularity as exotic pets in recent years. The salamander is native to Mexico and is known for its peculiar appearance…


Is it possible to tame a lovebird?

Domestication of birds, such as lovebirds, has been a topic of interest to many people who wish to have an exotic and friendly pet. Also known as “inseparable” because of their tendency…

alimentación balanceada

How to make a balanced diet for a land tortoise

Land tortoises are charming animals that can live for many years with proper care. A fundamental part of their care is a balanced diet that provides them with the nutrients they need…


How many parakeets to keep in captivity to keep them happy

Budgies, those colorful, sociable little birds, are a charming addition to any home. However, the question arises: how many budgerigars in captivity are needed to ensure their happiness? The answer involves understanding…

buenas mascotas

Reasons why hamsters make good pets for kids

Hamsters are charming little creatures that have become good pets and very popular, especially with children. They are adorable, low-maintenance animals that can teach young children about responsibility, animal care and provide…

loro agresivo

What to do if my parrot is aggressive

When a parrot, a pet known for its intelligence and sociability, shows signs of aggression, it can be disconcerting and worrying for owners. However, it is important to understand that aggression in…

nadan de costado

Causes of fish swimming sideways

Aquariums are artificial habitats carefully designed to house aquatic life, but sometimes fish can exhibit disturbing behaviors, such as swimming sideways. When there are fish swimming sideways, it is something to draw…

10 curiosities about lovebirds

Lovebirds, also known as “inseparable” because of their strong bond with their mates and human companions, are small, colorful birds that have gained popularity as pets around the world. In addition to…