Other Pets

Care guide for adopting a gerbil

Escrito por Mundocachorro

If you are considering adopting a gerbil as a pet, there are a few things you should keep in mind to properly care for it. Gerbils tend to be an adorable pet that has gained popularity because of their conditions that make them unique. Although there are about 87 known species of gerbils, the most popular are called Mongolian gerbils or desert rats.

Gerbils are quite docile and outgoing and can form relationships with their caretakers. To communicate, they use a series of signals that can show their mood. For example, they may wink to show happiness, gratitude or pleasure. When they are happy and comfortable, they purr. If you see a gerbil tapping its hind legs, it may be indicating fear or sexual arousal. In addition, gerbils have the charming detail of greeting each other by touching their noses.

It is also important to know that by living together, gerbils can trust their human caregivers and enjoy daily contact. With their fun and cheerful personality, they will soon become a member of the family.

Care for adopting a gerbil

Like any animal, gerbils require certain care and conditions to fully develop. to adopt a gerbil, take into account the following aspects and you will have a happy pet.

  • Cage. Your gerbil’s cage should be large enough for it to move around and explore inside. It is recommended that they have room to run, jump and dig. Therefore, the space should be at least 60 centimeters long and 30 centimeters wide. Of course, it must be secure so that the gerbil cannot escape.
  • Substrate. The cage should have a suitable substrate to allow the gerbil to burrow freely. Some options may include chinchilla sand, hemp substrate and shredded paper. Any of these options are safe and absorbent. In any case, you must make sure that it does not contain toxic components.
  • Food. Gerbils are omnivorous animals and their diet should include a balanced mix of foods. To keep it healthy, you can combine quality pellets specially formulated for gerbils with seeds, grains and fresh fruits and vegetables. You should avoid giving your gerbil processed foods or foods that are high in sugars.
  • Fresh water: Gerbils should always have fresh, clean water available. You can use a suitable drinking trough or a shallow water dish that cannot be easily tipped over. This way you can have water at your disposal and drink it whenever you want.
  • Toys: Gerbils are active and curious by nature. Therefore, it is important that they have objects in their habitat that provide them with an enriched environment. For example, you can put toys appropriate to their size, tubes and wheels to run and tunnels in the cage. These are objects that will stimulate your mind while promoting exercise.
  • Socialization: It is advisable to keep at least two gerbils together. They are sociable animals and loneliness does not agree with them. They can be of the same sex, but make sure they get along well.

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