Other Pets

What do I need to have a chicken coop?

Escrito por Mundocachorro

Having a chicken coop has become a popular choice in urban and suburban areas in recent years. In fact, chickens and hens can be excellent companions and will also provide fresh, healthy food and natural fertilizer for the garden.

To have a chicken coop and raise chickens you will need adequate space to provide security for these little animals, as well as protection from the elements and predators. You will also need to feed your chickens and hens well.

Urban chicken coop

The presence of hens and chickens is very common in country houses. But in the cities, having a chicken coop was not so common. However, it is a trend in homes with some outdoor space to develop a chicken coop. This is because it really allows you to ensure a constant supply of fresh eggs, plus it can become a very fun activity to pass the time. In addition, the chickens can provide fertilizer that will help keep the gardens in perfect condition.

What I need

  • A house with a garden may be sufficient for keeping chickens. Of course, it pays to alert the neighbors if you plan to have a rooster as well, as he will crow every morning.
  • The size of the poultry house should be at least one square meter for every three hens. That is, for six hens you will need a chicken coop of about two square meters.
  • While the total number of hens you have will depend on space, budget and the eggs you plan to obtain, you should have at least three. This is because they are social animals and at least three hens must live together to develop well.
  • Roosters are not essential for chicken coops. That is, if you don’t have a rooster in the hen house, the hens will still lay eggs and can do just fine without one.
  • The poultry house must provide protection for the hens, both from the cold and from possible predators. The natural predators of chickens are mainly raccoons, opossums, foxes, minks, weasels and dogs. Therefore, the hen house must be a safe space for the hens.
  • Chickens do not like to roost on the ground, so the coop should have some perches or roosts. Wooden boards where they can climb up to sleep will work well too.
  • The poultry house should be bright and should also include feed and watering containers. It must also have a ponedero. In general, one laying house is enough for two or three hens.
  • In addition to the coop, the hens will need a run. This will allow them to dig, peck and have fun at their leisure. Although a meadow with trees and shrubs is ideal, sometimes there is not so much space and a small garden can also be useful.
  • The hens’ feed should consist of grain and green fodder, fruits and vegetables. Remember that hens must have access to fresh water at all times.
  • The estimated working time for the care of the hens is half an hour per day. This involves feeding them, cleaning the poultry house and collecting eggs. Regular visits to the veterinarian should also be considered.

Finally, it is important to know that laying hen breeds can lay about 150 eggs per year.

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