Care Dogs

4 tips for caring for a senior dog

Escrito por Mundocachorro

If you have a senior dog at home, it is good that you introduce some small changes in the daily routines so that he has a better quality of life. This is a stage in the life of dogs in which it is important to take certain care to help them live better and healthier lives.

The age at which a dog becomes a senior can vary depending on breed and size. That is why it is important to be attentive to the signs of aging that our beloved pet may show. For example, a senior dog may grow gray hair: this would be a sign that your dog is getting older.

Care for a senior dog

  1. Activity. While a senior dog may seek less exercise, it is important to keep him active. Specialists say that even as your dog ages, it is important that he continues to get plenty of exercise. This is because exercise will allow you to maintain your muscle mass. In case you lose muscle mass, you may develop the so-called frailty syndrome. In turn, this syndrome will accelerate the aging process. In any case, if you notice that your dog’s activity level decreases, it is possible that these are signs of pain due to an illness. It is necessary to take your pet to the veterinarian regularly so that he can determine his health status. Another idea is to put a device on your dog that allows you to monitor your dog’s activity level and check for changes. In addition, with lower activity levels your dog could gain weight, which will also be bad for his health.
  2. Checks. Veterinary check-ups should be frequent. This way you will be able to quickly notice if something is not right. Even specialists recommend frequent blood tests. Ideally, the review should be biannual, that is, two annual visits to the veterinarian and at least one annual blood test. This way you can check the levels of red blood cells, white blood cells and also make sure that other functions of his body are fine. Through the blood test you can check the state of the senior dog’s kidney and liver function and make sure to detect any disease in time.
  3. Bed. A dog that is growing in age may need special bedding. While it might seem wasteful, the reality is that a heated bed could make all the difference. A senior dog suffering from arthritis or joint problems may need an orthopedic bed. In fact, it is important for your dog to have a restful and pain-free sleep to improve mobility and improve his quality of life. In the market you can find different models of heated beds, orthopedic beds and even models that are both heated and orthopedic.
  4. Changes. Your senior dog’s environment will need small changes that can have a big impact on his care. For example, place more rugs in the house to prevent slipping on hardwood or tile floors. Another idea is to put socks with non-slip soles on your dog. This will help you get more traction. Depending on the home, you could put in ramps to help him get from one side to the other.

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