
Training your American Stanford dog

Escrito por Mundocachorro

The universal sweetness of the American Stanford

If you are looking for a canine companion that is the perfect balance between an adventure companion and a lap dog, you can’t go wrong with the American Stanford Puppy.

This breed has been around for over 80 years and its popularity continues to grow because of all the traits that make it one of the best canine companions you could ask for.

Let’s take a closer look at why the American Stanford Puppy is a charmer in every way.


Discover the American Stanford Blue


History and recognition

The American Stanford Terrier is a breed with strong ties to the United States. Originally bred from English terriers, the American Stanford was first recognized as a breed by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1936.

Later, the AKC would reclassify it again in 1972 as “American Staffordshire Terrier”, to distinguish it from similar breeds in other countries.

Since then, the American Stanford puppy has grown to become one of the most popular and beloved breeds in the country.


The American Stanford puppy is an all-rounder and an excellent family companion, with a strong protective instinct and a very loyal character.

They are alert and energetic, which means they are always ready for adventure, but they will also be just as happy curling up on your lap at the end of the day.

This breed is famous for its patience and gentleness with children, making it the perfect breed for a family.

Characteristics and appearance

The American Stanford puppy is a medium-sized puppy, weighing between 4.5 and 6.5 kg and measuring between 17 and 19 inches at the shoulder.

This breed tends to have a muscular and stocky appearance, with a broad and powerful head.

His jaw is also very powerful, giving him the characteristic full cheeks.

They usually have a short, shiny coat that comes in a wide variety of colors, although all are usually brindle or tan.

Health and care

This breed is widely known for its robust health, and only rarely suffers from hereditary disorders or other health problems.

It is important that the American Stanford puppy gets enough exercise to stay healthy and fit, with regular walks to help maintain healthy joints and muscles.

This breed also needs regular brushings to keep its coat short, as well as regular flea and tick treatments.

Buy an American Stanford puppy

If you want to add an American Stanford puppy to your home, it is important that you go to a responsible breeder.

Pet adoption is also worth considering: many rescue centers have American Stanford puppies looking for loving homes.

It is important to do your research to ensure that you are getting a healthy puppy and that you understand the degree of responsibility that comes with owning a dog.

In general

It is obvious why the American Stanford puppy has become such a popular breed.

They are great family companions and excel as both adventure companions and lap dogs.

With his protective nature, gentle personality and robust health, the American Stanford puppy is one of the most complete puppies around.

I recommend

Discover the American Stanford Blue

Do you like the American Stanford breed?

…before buying one, know its character and how you can train it.

The American Stanford is a strong dog despite its medium size, with good muscles and a strong jaw.

It is usually a dog a little shy with strangers, loyal and protective with children. However, due to its physical characteristics, it is considered a dangerous animal, so it is recommended to always muzzle it.

When to start educating a Stanford American

You can begin to educate it from the seventh week of life, until the age of one year when it reaches adulthood. From the fourth month on, you can be stricter in the education of the puppy.

Ideally, the first encounter with your dog should be positive and you should not be too spoiled or permissive with your pet from a young age.

Remember that he is almost like a child, if you give him too much freedom later you will not be able to control him.

Establish rules:

Establish clear and simple rules from the beginning, from not climbing on the couch, or playing with shoes or clothes.

The idea is to create a healthy bond with your dog, where he understands the rules he must follow and respects you as the head of the house.

Corrects misconduct

You don’t need to mistreat your puppy to correct him, but you do need to set limits on his behavior. As soon as your behavior begins to deviate.

A simple no or a loud and loud wake-up call is usually more than enough.

Try to use reinforcement of positive behaviors by giving a reward.

Teach basic commands first:

Although the American Stanford is characterized for being a sociable dog, it is necessary to educate it so that it is not sullen with visitors or other pets.

To do this, it is important that from an early age you teach him basic commands that make him feel useful and part of the family. Also, leave him close to visitors or other pets from an early age so that he can socialize and gradually get used to them.

More complex orders:

Once your American Stanford dog has learned his basic commands, you can gradually teach him more complex commands, helping him to distinguish between them so that he remembers them.

You can teach him exercises that will help him develop his agility and help him stay healthy.

Some examples are jumping a fence, spinning, walking on two legs, among other exercises and routines, which will also help them to be more obedient.

Enter your American stanford in a competition:

If you are in the possibility and consider that you can train your dog well, you can enter him in a competition.

This type of dog sport is called agility and is very popular in many countries.

It even has its own international regulations.

A well-behaved dog will be a great companion and joy for the family.

It is up to you to teach your American Stanford dog the rules of the house, to behave properly, to know the hierarchy of the home, to respect the order and to integrate into the role he has been given.

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