
3 curious facts about the elf cat

elf catCats have become one of humans’ favorite pets. And there are many breeds, each with its own characteristics and its own curiosities. But today we want to talk about one in particular, a breed of cat that we find surprising and really fascinating. If you hadn’t guessed it yet, we’re talking about the elf cat.

Curiosities of the elf cat

We start with the cat itself. And that its appearance could not be more curious and strange. Charming in our eyes, but the truth is that what seems charming to us, to many people causes rejection to this breed of cat.

And the fact that it has no hair attracts attention. But his pointed ears and huge, piercing eyes give him an appearance that lives up to his name: elf.

There is no such thing as your race

Yes, in a way we have been speaking without ownership, since this cat breed has not yet been registered.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. There is no such thing as your race
    Its creation is relatively recent, in 2007, when Karen Nelson, a lover of felines but allergic to their fur, had the idea to start mixing breeds until she obtained a hairless one that would allow her to enjoy their company. Thus, from a cross between Shynx and American Curl, the elf cat was born. But neither the World Cat Federation nor the International Cat Associations recognize it as a breed.
  2. Do not trust if you are allergic to cats.
    After reading the first curiosity about these kittens you will think that they are the ideal cat for anyone with allergies. No, don’t trust it, even if it doesn’t have hair, this delicate cat can also cause allergies…
    We tend to think that allergies are caused by the coat, but this is not always the case. In fact, the main cause of allergy is the presence of a protein called Fel d1, which is found in the cat’s saliva and sweat glands.
  3. Need special care
    He has an adorable character, very docile and friendly. And not only with humans, but also with other animals. This may make you think that it is an ideal cat for anyone; and it is, as long as you keep in mind that it needs special care.
    Their delicate skin, together with their lack of hair, means that they cannot be exposed to the sun or high temperatures, nor to the cold, which could also affect them very negatively.
    It is very important to keep the skin of this type of cats well hydrated, which requires bathing them at least once a month with special products. And, of course, be especially careful with bacteria so that they do not become contagious because they have a certain tendency to do so.

If you are one of those who adore the apaIf you love the experience of these strange kittens and are thinking of adopting one, keep in mind all the needs they have and the precautions you should take when having one at home.ions you will have to take when you have one at home.