Other Pets

The sounds of parrots, we explain what they are like

Escrito por Mundocachorro

The different species of parrots have the ability to imitate, to a greater or lesser extent, whistles, noises, words and melodies.

This being the best known characteristic of parrots, however, they also make different sounds on a daily basis.

These types of sounds, ranging from singing, shouting or small murmurs, are elements that owners should be able to recognize.

For that reason and to know a little more about them, in Puppy World we will talk about the sounds of parrots, we explain what they are like.

Imitation of words and sounds from the environment

This characteristic is found in certain species of parrots, since not all of them have the full capacity to perfectly imitate the words emitted by humans.

This process is carried out through the repetition and acquisition of a particular sound or word, such as “hello” or a person’s name.

It is thanks to the brain structure and an organ called the syrinx that parrots are able to imitate words and sounds from their environment.

Parrots use the sounds they make to express themselves in a unique way, often symbolizing an emotional connection between the person and the bird.

In other cases, they are used as a form of entertainment or to attract the attention of those around them.

Whistles and chants

Whistling and singing are often closely related to the parrots’ imitation process, but it is not mandatory.

Parrots in the wild also whistle or emit similar sounds, using different melodies and songs to express themselves.

The main characteristic of whistling and singing in parrots is that they are a clear manifestation that they are happy and healthy.

Singing or whistling is often used by these birds to show their tranquility and that of their environment.

In other circumstances, they serve to get the attention of other members of their species or even to guide or give directions when the situation warrants it.


There are several reasons why a parrot may scream, be it imitation, behavioral problems, nervousness, pain and fear.

Parrots tend to be very noisy animals, so it is not surprising that they make noise at dawn, midday and when everyone thinks they are asleep.

However, when the sound is directly a scream and not the derivation of a whistle, chant, word or casual reaction, there may be a problem.

In some cases the cause may be a simple fright, but in many others it may be a manifestation of stress, anxiety or pain.

This is often accompanied by other symptoms such as plucking feathers or repetitive movements.

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