Care News

The rescue of two tigers in Guardamar

The institution AAP Primadomus (Animal Protection and Defense), in charge of rescuing mammals and exotic animals to place them in better conditions, together with the Guardia Civil and the institution Seprema of Guardamar, were the protagonists of the rescue of the animals.
of the two tigers.

The Dutch foundation, based in Villena, gained access to a farm where the exotic animals were illegally kept.

They noticed that the tigers had been roosting there for some time.

The owner of the facility said that the tigers had been brought there by the owners of a circus.

Congratulations on the rescue of the tigers

Drac and Bianca are two elderly Tigers, the offspring of circus cats.

Upon entering the facilities, they noticed that the tigers were not in good condition, and they also observed that the space was not large enough, and that the mammals were not receiving the necessary stimuli.

The tigers were confiscated from their owners as no papers were found to prove their legality and no chip was found.

The rescue was long and difficult, according to the members of the Dutch foundation AAP. Because they were dangerous animals, the veterinarian Lucia, who belongs to the Dutch foundation, proceeded to anesthetize the felines.

The felines are now safe in the excellent facilities of the foundation, which is located in a place in Villena (Alicante) where they will spend 30 days in cages to recover from the mistreatment they have undergone, and they will be medically evaluated.

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Once they are in good health, they will be taken out of the cages and released to an outdoor space provided for them, within the infrastructure of the foundation.

During medical examinations, they noticed that Drac was in a precarious situation.

They were able to note that he is a visually impaired tiger, which means, rehabilitation is going to be more intense for him.

It is difficult to return them to their natural habitat, as they have spent their entire lives in captivity, according to the AAP Foundation.

A home for Circus Tigers

On June 16, an autonomous community banned the use of wild and exotic animals in circuses, and many municipalities have joined this proposal.

This is because there has been an increase in the number of circuses seeking foundations to house exotic animals that have been at circus events for years.

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