Care Cats

Signs to know if your cat is sick

Escrito por Mundocachorro

As can happen to any living thing, your cat can get sick. But the main problem is that sometimes felines do not show the symptoms of their disease in such an obvious way. That is why it is important for you to learn to recognize what signs your cat may be giving you when it is not in good health. This way you can quickly help him to get back to health.

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How to tell if your cat is sick

Experts say that cats can hide the symptoms of their disease. This is a matter of survival. However, when you have a feline pet and know it well, it will be relatively easier to know if it is not well.

Knowing your cat’s basic needs, as well as its normal behavior and the activities it performs every day is part of this knowledge. This means that if you detect any unusual behavior on a daily basis, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. In fact, it may happen that the disease is more advanced than you might think.

In general, cats perform three basic actions every day. This is eat, play and sleep. When you notice that any of these actions are altered, you may be in the presence of a sick cat. For example, a sign of illness may be a certain apathy or inactivity. Alterations in sleep patterns may also be a symptom of a developing disease.

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Other symptoms

A sick cat may eat less, sleep more and be listless. That is, a cat with inappetence or that is permanently lethargic may not be well.

Other symptoms of disease may include excessive salivation or decreased urination. A cat that scratches or licks itself a lot, as well as a cat that drinks water excessively, you should go to the veterinarian as soon as possible. These are warning signs that your cat is not doing well.

Other indicators of health problems may include vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. If these symptoms last more than 24 hours, it is a good idea to see a health care professional. He or she will be able to explore the symptoms and determine the causes. These may be intestinal, renal or liver problems.

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The veterinarian will also be able to tell if the cat is in a feverish state. It should be noted that a cat is considered to have a fever when its temperature exceeds 39.4 degrees. The specialist will also be able to palpate your abdomen to determine if it is swollen.

You can watch for other symptoms such as variations in urine frequency. Another sign is if you observe your cat straining a lot when it is time to defecate. This may be a sign of a digestive disorder.

One indicator of your cat’s health is the skin. It should be soft and pink or black in color. It should not have significant hair loss or scabbing. The coat should be soft and shiny. In case you notice that the coat becomes dull, it may be a symptom that your cat is sick.

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