Care Dogs

How to keep your dog clean without bathing

Escrito por Mundocachorro

Maintaining your dog’s hygiene is very important to prevent diseases.

However, it should be remembered that dog pets are different from humans and bathing them too often can even be detrimental to their health.

That is why we have prepared some tips that will help you keep your dog clean without being bad for his health.

Keeping your dog clean without bathing

There are some resources that you can use to keep your dog clean without bathing him beyond what is recommended by experts. For example:

  • Hygienic wipes. Hygienic wipes can be a good solution to sanitize your dog without having to bathe him. It is a product specially formulated for the hygiene of dogs. In addition, it is a very practical material that you can use to wash it without getting it wet.
  • Talcum powder. Talcum powder or dry shampoos (without water) come in different formats. They are specially designed for cleaning dogs and are very easy to apply. It is a product formulated to absorb excess oil from your dog’s coat and skin.
  • Homemade helmets. A homemade talc can be made by mixing cornstarch with baking soda in equal parts. Add about three drops of lavender or tea tree essential oil per cup of the mixture.

Talcum powder will give better results if you first brush your dog and then sprinkle his body with the dry talcum powder. Then rub it in and remove excess talc with a towel.

Brush again and remove any remaining dust from its coat.


Remember also that brushing your dog’s coat regularly will not only prevent your house from being covered with hair, but will also improve your dog’s odor.

Dog hygiene

Keeping your dog properly cleaned is absolutely necessary so that you can prevent diseases.

In fact, dogs must be bathed on many occasions under therapeutic indications to alleviate various skin ailments.

In addition, periodic bathing is irreplaceable, both to prevent diseases in the animal and to protect people.

Among the recommendations for bathing your dog is the main one, which refers to the frequency of baths.

Veterinarians recommend that, at the most, dogs should be bathed once a fortnight .

If your dog receives more baths, you could remove the natural protection your dog has on its skin or generate diseases.

On the other hand, it is necessary to use products specially formulated for dogs. Under no circumstances should you use products for humans.

Remember that human shampoos are made for the ph of people, which is very different from that of dogs.

In the market you will find several good quality products that you can use for bathing your puppy.

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