Other Pets

alimentar a los peces

How many times a day to feed the fish

Feeding is a fundamental aspect of aquarium fish care, and the frequency with which they are fed plays a crucial role in their health and well-being. However, we do not always know…

canto de los periquitos

What are the types of parakeet songs?

Known for their charming plumage and playful nature, budgies are also famous for their distinctive vocalizations. These small birds are capable of producing a wide variety of sounds, from melodious trills to…

guacamaya en cautiverio

Is it possible to keep a macaw in captivity?

Macaws, with their striking plumage and sociable nature, have captured the imagination of many people around the world. However, the question of whether it is ethical or possible to keep a macaw…

huevos de tu tortuga

How to care for your turtle’s eggs

If you have chosen to keep a tortoise as a pet and have been fortunate enough to witness its reproduction, it is essential that you understand how to care for your tortoise’s…

punto blanco

What is white spot disease in fish and how to prevent it

White spot disease, also known as Icterus, is one of the most common diseases affecting fish in aquariums and ponds. It is characterized by the presence of small white spots on the…

golosinas saludables

Healthy treats I can give to my pet bird

When it comes to caring for our domestic birds, providing them with a balanced and varied diet is essential for their health and happiness. In addition to their main diet, healthy treats…

hámster de mascota

5 advantages of having a pet hamster for a senior citizen

In the search for companionship and comfort, seniors find pets an invaluable source of joy and well-being. Although dogs and cats are popular choices, the possibility of having a pet hamster for…


Research reveals that parrots learn local dialects

Recent scientific research has revealed that Argentine parrots that migrated to Europe have developed local dialects. Given the striking nature of the case, scientists have initiated a detailed study on the forms…

acuario exitoso

Basic recommendations for a successful aquarium

Immersing yourself in the fascinating world of aquariums is an experience that combines beauty, serenity and learning. Whether you are an enthusiastic beginner or an experienced hobbyist, there are certain basic recommendations…

guacamayo en cautiverio

Is it possible to keep a macaw in captivity?

Macaws, with their vibrant plumage and charismatic personalities, have captured the imagination of bird lovers for centuries. However, the ethical question arises as to whether it is possible and appropriate to keep…