Care Tips

Diseases of domestic dogs

It is commonly thought that if a domestic dog has regular veterinary visits, is on a regular vaccination schedule and is well fed, it should be healthy, happy and disease-free. But many times, by chance or bad luck, domestic dog diseases go unnoticed and we do not know how to recognize them.

Depression is a disease

It should not be forgotten that depression is an illness and not just a state of mind. In the case of pets it should be easier to detect because we spend a lot of time with them and activities are often shared.

If one day we realize that our beloved pet does not feel like playing, does not eat and does not come to greet us at the door, we do not need to run to the emergency room, it may be that he is tired, hungry or simply does not feel like it. But if it is a continuous behavior, it is advisable to get in the hands of a specialist to treat our pet as he deserves.

Rabies, another disease of domestic dogs

It is one of the least frequent dog diseases in urban areas, and that makes it very dangerous. Very few have seen the symptoms in an animal and most animals are vaccinated, so very few contract it.

One of the most frequent and recognizable symptoms is that dogs suffering from it are surly and grumpy, avoid contact with humans and games. They also avoid light because it bothers them and we will often find them sheltering in dark places.

As the disease progresses they show irritability and disorientation, it is very common for them to bite everything in their path. This favors contagion.

Once the first symptoms appear, there is nothing we can do for our puppy. That is why it is very important to vaccinate them and keep the vaccination schedule updated according to our veterinarian’s recommendations.


Although it has a name that can incite jokes, it is one of the most serious dog diseases, and if not treated correctly it leads to the death of our dog.

As with rabies, prevention is better than cure and we can vaccinate our pet to prevent it. In any case, it never hurts to know its symptoms in order to be able to recognize it in time.

Like most conditions in pets, it begins with apathy, followed by fever, loss of appetite and reduced water intake.

The amount of water is especially important because it leads to dehydration.
