Care Dogs

The 3 essential allies to take care of a dog’s coat

Whenever you have a dog, taking care of its coat is an essential task, whether it is long or short. Because, in addition to wanting to show off your pet’s coat, and wanting to see it beautiful and healthy, you will want to prevent it from falling out – as much as possible – and avoid the hassle of cleaning your home.


Just like people, these animals need an adequate diet to grow up healthy in all aspects. Their hair can often fall out because they are not eating the food they should, so it is advisable to consult with your veterinarian about the best diet for them to ensure that your dog is getting the best nutrients.

Essential brushing to care for the coat


From puppies, dogs should get used to brushing – at least every day – their fur, this is essential to take care of our pet’s coat. It is well known how easy it is to get tangled, taking into account that the dog runs, crawls, gets into puddles, and the like, thus causing the constant formation of knots. For this reason, you should brush him – in a meticulous way – in the direction in which his hair falls, and in the opposite direction to where it is born, in order to drag the dead hair that comes out every day.


It is not necessary to bathe the dog constantly, veterinarians recommend doing it every 15 days -if necessary- or once a month, and this will be enough. It is important to buy neutral and special dog shampoos that provide the softness, shine and vigor you want to see in your pet’s coat.

With these simple tips, you will be able to guarantee a healthy and vigorous coat for your dog, in addition to saving work in cleaning your home.

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