Care Dogs Tips

3 common puppy diseases

When we have puppies at home we must remember and just like human babies they will have to be very careful so that they do not suffer from any disease. Without a doubt, small puppies should be vaccinated and checked by a veterinarian.

However, it is common that despite the medical control we have with our puppies, they present a series of diseases that although they are not serious, we must be attentive to ensure the health status of our small dogs.

Many times these diseases of small puppies are usually viruses or parasites that are contagious. Among the most common diseases are fleas, worms and parasites and otitis. Here are some recommendations for you to identify these diseases and prevent them.

Fleas and ticks

Fleas and ticks are parasites that anchor themselves to their host’s body specifically on the skin. They are considered an evil for the road since they can cause different alterations that can even result in severe anemia that can cause the puppy’s death.

This type of parasite reproduces very quickly and can be lodged in the dog’s skin, consuming its blood for up to one month. Some ways to prevent these parasites are as follows: Make sure your dog does not come in contact with garbage, brush or bad yards. This is because ticks and fleas are generally found in warm and humid places.

In the market there are many products that allow to kill these parasites, such as powders, collars and shampoos that prevent or attack the bugs that are infecting the dog’s body.

Worms and parasites as diseases of puppies:

Also called ascaris are a kind of virus that affects the intestinal part of the puppy, you can catch them or even some dogs can be born with them. The worm enters the intestine and feeds on the dog’s blood and nutrients.

This causes intestinal inflammation in the puppy, which may result in diarrhea or vomiting. Additionally, being a parasite that feeds on the dog’s blood, it can cause severe anemia. There are two ways to identify earthworms.

The first one is to look at the dog’s feces, if there are small white snakes, then it probably has parasites. The second way to identify it is through the symptoms presented by the dog, for example if the dog drags its tail on the floor, its abdomen looks swollen and presents vomiting or diarrhea.

To prevent this disease, the puppy should be dewormed in the first week of life and at least 2 weeks later. To resume deworming every three months.


Otitis is an inflammation in the ear that can damage the dog’s auditory system. It is generated by bacteria or foreign agents that lodge in the dog’s pinna.

Some dogs such as the Snauser tend to have a high probability of having otitis due to their long ears and poor air ventilation. To identify if the dog has otitis you can notice certain strange behaviors in their behavior, for example, constantly rubbing their ears against the wall, constantly shaking their head or their ears smelling bad.

To combat otitis, you should apply some drops that soothe the inflammation and pain that the dog may present. Remember that the only way to prevent all these puppy diseases is as constant veterinary check-up and medical control of the puppy.

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