Care Dogs Tips

How dogs became our faithful pets

Escrito por Mundocachorro

Around the world there are many households where dogs are an integral part of the family. But have you ever wondered how dogs became our faithful pets? Some researchers claim that the process of domestication of dogs began more than 20,000 years ago. Regardless of how long humans and dogs have lived together, what is certain is that life is much better with the company of a dog.

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Some research claims that the domestication of dogs is a process that occurred over thousands of years. In fact, they trace their beginnings to when wolves, the wild ancestors of dogs, approached human camps in search of food.

Over time, wolves that were less aggressive and more tolerant of human presence had an advantage in terms of access to food and protection, leading to a mutually beneficial relationship between humans and wolves.

The most loyal pets

The domestication process of our faithful pets began at least 20,000 to 40,000 years ago. Although it is a fairly long period of time, it is related to the changes in the lives of human beings. As humans adopted a more sedentary and agricultural lifestyle, they began to leave leftover food near their settlements. Wolves, being social and curious animals, were attracted to these easy food sources. Wolves less fearful and more willing to live close to humans were able to take advantage of this situation.

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Over time, humans began to notice benefits from having these wolves around. Wolves aided in hunting, provided protection and alerted humans to the presence of predators. Over generations, wolves that could communicate and collaborate effectively with humans benefited the most. This process resulted in a natural selection of traits that resembled the behaviors and characteristics we now associate with dogs.

In other words, the domestication process also involved artificial selection, where humans bred wolves that showed certain desirable characteristics, such as docility, willingness to obey and the ability to coexist peacefully with people. Over time, this artificial selection resulted in a population of animals that, despite having significant genetic diversity, shared common traits that differentiated them from their wolf ancestors.

Human intervention

This domestication process has continued over the centuries and humans have bred dogs to fulfill a variety of functions, from companionship to work and competition.

In fact, dogs today are one of the most diverse animal species in terms of appearance, behavior and abilities, all thanks to human intervention over time.

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In addition, dogs have proven to be faithful and loyal companions throughout history. Their ability to form emotional bonds with humans and provide comfort, protection and emotional support has cemented their position as beloved pets in homes around the world.

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