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Stories of animals that saved lives

We have heard and read about stories of animals that saved lives. Four-legged heroes who became, at some point, a human’s guardian angel.

We ourselves have told on the blog some of those wonderful stories of animals that, driven by love and loyalty have helped, improved and even saved the lives of some people.

Why deny it, we like and get excited about these stories. We love to hear about the experiences of people who have had the good fortune to cross paths with one of these unique heroes.

That is why we bring you, once again, beautiful stories that will surely move you as much as they have moved us. Make yourself comfortable, you are about to discover or reaffirm the greatness of animals…

Stories of animals that saved lives

Lulu, the piglet saved her owner’s life

animal storiesWe begin this small compilation of stories with Lulu, a little pig who saved her owner’s life.

Lulu was a domesticated pig who one day was faced with a complicated situation: her owner was in serious trouble, he had just suffered a heart attack.

What can a pig do when its owner is in such a situation?

Well, in this case, Lulu ran out onto the road and ran across until she got a car to stop. When the driver got out of his car Lulu walked towards the place where her owner was standing, as if showing him the way.

We imagine that it is not easy to understand a pig in the middle of the road. And it must not have been easy to make yourself understood either. But Lulu did not lose hope and repeated the same action until she got the driver to follow her.

Still in shock, the driver asked for help…

And that’s how this story had a happy ending.

Rosco, the dog that saved a child in a fire

animal storiesIt all happened in Mexico

An unfortunate fire began to devour a family’s home. And at that very moment inside, sleeping, was a boy of only 4 years old.

Rosco was the family dog; a dog they had adopted. Rosco barked relentlessly until the child, although somewhat disoriented, woke up and left the house.

The dog, in his successful attempt to save the child, suffered burns on 30% of his body. But, fortunately, both he and the child survived.


Once again, through these stories we come to the conclusion of the greatness of animals. Of the goodness, nobility and loyalty they keep. Again, we can conclude that we have a lot to learn from them.