Other Pets

Everything you need to know about caring for a ferret

Cockatoos are very intelligent animals, possessing a great personality and a myriad of skills. After spending some time with these amazing animals, you will discover what an incredible companion they are and how pleasant their presence can be.



To begin training your cockatiel, consider that it takes time, patience and short sessions.

When you decide to start, choose a quiet and safe place, preferably a space with which your cockatoo is already familiar, which will make things much easier.

Another important recommendation is to gain her trust so that she is willing to learn any trick you wish to teach her. Don’t forget to use stimuli; their favorite food could become your best ally. Also, be sure to provide her with all the necessary care and keep her in the best possible conditions. These animals require proper and comprehensive care, including being valued and appreciated by their owners.

Some practical tips for teaching your cockatiel to talk


  • Start training when your cockatiel is already accustomed to its new space.
  • Be calm in their presence, avoiding sudden movements or very direct contact at first.
  • Gain his confidence and make him feel that he is in a safe place, without risk of harm.
  • Provide a clean, quiet environment with plenty of space.
  • Speak to her constantly while keeping a discreet distance so she doesn’t feel threatened.
  • Use an animated tone of voice and accompany it with cheerful expressions.
  • If she shows interest in a word, such as staring at you or dilating her pupils, repeat the word several times without boring her.
  • Premia your cockatiel if it tries to repeat the word; this will serve as reinforcement.
  • Association is key. If you repeat a word along with an action, she will react to the stimulus by association.
  • Start with short words and pronounce them clearly.
  • Position yourself in a position that is neither below nor above her eyes, to prevent her from seeing you in a submissive or threatening position as she adjusts to you.
  • Be attentive to whether your bird is comfortable with the exercises and with your presence.
  • Don’t forget to offer treats.

This activity requires patience and time, don’t forget.

It is important to know that male cockatoos can make more sounds than females, as they need to attract them with more complex calls. Females can also learn to talk, but they may not do it as clearly as males.

Cockatoos can learn a large number of words and are ready to do so from eight months of age, although this can vary.

Image courtesy of Curiosphere.