Care Dogs Tips

Care for wirehaired dogs

Escrito por Mundocachorro

Some dogs have a thicker and tougher coat than others and this makes them need some special care to keep it in good condition. The most common wirehaired dog breeds are the Scottish, the Dachshund and the Schnauzer. But also many mongrel dogs often have this type of coat. They are characterized by a hard and rigid texture, generally short hair.

Wirehaired dogs have a type of coat that does not shed naturally like other dogs and should not be clipped either. To keep your wirehaired dog’s coat in good condition, you need to take certain steps that should become routine. Take note of the following tips!

How to care for wire-haired dogs

To properly care for the coat of wirehaired dogs, it is important that you acquire certain habits that you should perform on a regular basis. This is because maintaining your dog’s coat when it is of this type is a little different than that of other dogs. You should have the following implements at hand:

  • Shampoo suitable for rough-coated dogs. Ideally, it should be formulated to prevent grease and knot formation.
  • Soft carding brush. This will be used for regular brushing of legs, flaps and wattles.
  • Comb. After brushing your dog, you should comb it with a comb that will help you to check that there are no knots in its coat.
  • Delimber. This device will be used to pass it over your dog’s back and sides. It is important that you follow the advice of the professional, but in general this tool is useful to eliminate hair accumulation and possible knots.
  • Conditioner. To make brushing easier, you can spray a little conditioner on the coat. This will make brushing easier to do and will give you a good smell.


You need to take your wirehaired dog to the pet groomer at least every few years. It is recommended that it be at least once a month. At home you should also take care of him, brushing his coat quite often.

With the right tools, your dog’s coat can be kept impeccable, with brushing about two to three times a week, combined with monthly visits to the groomer.

In dog grooming, experts usually recommend stripping sessions every six to eight weeks. The aim is to make the coat strong and shiny, eliminating dead hair, without causing any harm to your dog. Regular use of this technique also reduces the risks of diseases such as bacterial infections, fungi and dermatitis.

In any case it is advisable to avoid cutting your dog’s hair with a machine. Contrary to what you might think, it is not recommended because it reduces the strength, hardness and even the natural shine of your pet’s coat.

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