Care Cats

Anxiety in cats: How to calm it

Escrito por Mundocachorro

Cats, like other pets, can suffer from anxiety.

In fact, anxiety in cats can be caused by different situations such as separation from their caregivers, new additions to the family of people and pets, moving house and others.

Even anxiety in cats can occur if the kitten spends a lot of time alone.

Cats are intelligent and sensitive beings, and anxiety in them can present itself in different ways.

For example, they may exhibit destructive behaviors such as scratching furniture and chewing and breaking things.

They may also mark with excessive urine, urinate outside the litter box and present urinary tract disorders.

They may also exhibit some compulsive behaviors such as excessive grooming.

A cat that isolates, hides or refuses to interact with other family members may be suffering from anxiety.

In addition, changes in eating behavior, such as overeating or eating too little, may be symptoms of anxiety.

Other signs such as hair loss and decreased activity may also indicate that your cat is suffering from anxiety.

In general, it will be a good idea to visit the veterinarian before the presence of symptoms such as those described.

Calming anxiety in cats

To calm anxiety in a cat, if it is stressed by a family gathering or any specific event that disrupts its routines, you can create a relaxing environment.

This way your cat will feel safe from what it may consider threats.

This includes dogs and children’s hands.

For space you can provide your cat with raised beds and scratching posts.

If possible, you might consider a door that allows your cat to feel calm and secure.

In their space you can place attractive toys to encourage their natural hunting behavior.

If you notice that he has favorite toys, try putting them near him.

You should also consider access to water and food, as well as their litter box.

A good idea is to play relaxing music, as this can help calm your cat’s anxiety levels.

On the other hand, you could also make time each day to play and interact with your cat.

To do this you can look for toys that help them stimulate the natural hunting and play behaviors that all cats possess.

For example, light beam pointers or wand toys. Even playing with balls adapted to their size may be advisable.

Using over-the-counter calming products may also be indicated to calm anxiety.

In the market you can find some products that contain pheromones and are able to create a sense of security.

Buy massaging scrapers, as they promote muscle relaxation when the cat rubs against them.

Make use of Aromatherapy, as it is known that some drops of essential oils such as lavender, chamomile or sweet orange diffused in the environment can have a calming effect.

Get a Catnip. The catnip plant acts as a stimulant for many cats when they smell or bite it. It relaxes and amuses them.

Soothing spray: Some room sprays contain feline pheromones that mimic the effect of lactation and soothe.

In any case, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian.


To prevent anxiety in cats you can do certain actions, such as providing them with a stable and safe environment.

This involves establishing routines for their daily activities such as feeding, sleeping and playing.

Also give them toys that stimulate their mind and make sure they have spaces to rest and hide.

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