
5 signs that your dog is not getting enough exercise

Escrito por Mundocachorro

When we have a pet, it becomes part of our lives and becomes a member of the family.

That is why we take care of them and provide them with what they need to have a full and happy life.

Exercise is precisely one of the elements that should be part of your dog’s daily life, so that he has a complete physical and mental well-being. But how do we know if our dog is getting enough exercise?

Specialists assure that a dog that does not get enough exercise will give some specific signs.

So it’s good to learn to spot the signs your furry friend may be giving you that he needs more exercise to be healthy, happy and balanced.

Another aspect to take into account is that different breeds may have different needs.

Age is another factor to take into account regarding the ideal amount of exercise each dog needs.

Signs that a dog is not getting enough exercise

  1. Weight gain. If you notice that your dog has been gaining some weight, it is very likely that it needs a little more exercise.In addition, it is very possible that the veterinarian will indicate you some adjustments both in his feeding and in the amount of daily exercise he needs.Many times, simply adjusting your daily walking times will be enough to help you lose weight in a healthy way.
  2. Destructive behavior. A dog that chews things around the house incessantly, or digs nervously or raids garbage cans, is likely to be suffering from lack of exercise.In fact, many behavioral problems are often the result of a dog that does not get enough exercise.Breeds that have more energy become frustrated and bored when they do not get enough outdoor exercise.
  3. Depressed behavior. On the other hand, a dog exhibiting withdrawn and depressed behavior may also be due to lack of exercise.For example, he may have difficulty relating to people and his human family.You may need to get out more and get more activity and exercise. However, it should also be noted that a dog showing symptoms of depression should be evaluated by a veterinarian to rule out other diseases.
  4. Too much activity. A dog that is hyperactive and behaving inappropriately may also be lacking exercise. This type of behavior is often seen in young dogs and energetic breeds.Having a lot of energy and momentum, they need to expend it. Not having enough activity, they can become hyperactive and have bad manners.They could also get into mischief and get into trouble of all kinds.
  5. Barking and whining. A dog with constant whining and barking at all hours may be saying that it lacks exercise.Some dogs engage in barking and whining in the face of boredom and lack of stimulation.Add more activities for your dog and chances are he will stop crying and barking for no reason.

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