
4 essential tortoise care

These animals are quiet and calm, but we must remember that they are reptiles and that they need a habitat and appropriate care to have a good lifestyle. Turtle care must be thorough, as they come naturally from specific habitats. If this changes they can get sick and this alters their quality of life.

Invest in a good habitat

This is valid for land and water turtles. If you buy it as a baby, keep in mind that it will grow, so you can’t leave it forever in a small tank. This will not happen overnight, but you will see it happen very frequently. In most kinds of turtles, females grow faster than males.

In general, a habitat of about 10 liters of water per turtle is recommended to keep them comfortable and happy. The key is to be generous with the space it needs to be in.

Uses a glass lid in its habitat

The turtle needs ultraviolet A and B rays to survive. Lighting plays a very important role in producing vitamin D3, which is vital for absorbing and metabolizing calcium and other important nutrients. If it does not have this, it can grow poorly, with atrophied bones.

This can be received not only by placing the fish tank near a window. It can also receive light from an ultraviolet lamp on the habitat lid.

Water filter in turtle care

If the turtle is a water turtle, its habitat must have a filtration system. Otherwise, the water will quickly become dirty and this will make the turtle sick. It is recommended that it be one with a motor with the power to clean twice the amount of water from the tank.

It should also contain an aerator which is very useful to prevent the action of bacteria that can make the animal sick. Turtles are not susceptible to chemical changes in the water, at least not in the same way as fish. However, checking the pH, nitrate and ammonia of the water from time to time prevents undesirable scenarios and preserves your health.

Prevention of salmonella transmission

As reptiles they can transmit this disease to humans. Although treatable, it can cause diarrhea, fever, and abdominal pain. Some people may become so dehydrated that hospitalization is necessary.

This is prevented in two ways. The first is to monitor the health of the tortoise, and go to the veterinarian if it is found to be sick. The second is to always clean your hands after handling such pets.

In this way, the ideal tortoise care is provided for a healthy and happy pet.

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