
Why your cat doesn’t use its litter box

Having a kitten as a pet is a privilege and a great responsibility. It ensures a life full of good times, but also with certain challenges and fears that not everyone knows how to face.


Among the most common challenges faced by cat owners is the litter box and the big question of why doesn’t your cat use its litter box?.

is complicated. On the one hand, it is their greatest ally; on the other hand, if the box does not meet the minimum requirements to be to their liking, the cat will not want to use it.

Choosing the wrong box or litter is a common cause of cat aversion to litter boxes. The location, size of the box and type of litter used are crucial factors for felines, as well as for avoiding accidents in the home.

In many cases, what seems more convenient to the person is not really convenient for the kitty, and this is often the trigger for the problem.

Emotional and external factors

Cats are highly susceptible to stress and anxiety. Changes or situations that seem threatening could lead them to develop fear of using the litter box.

It is not uncommon that after a move, a change in routine or the arrival of a new member of the household (human or otherwise), the cat will stop using its litter box as a manifestation of its confusion at these changes. Even something as small as changing the location of a piece of furniture or the box itself can cause this.

On the other hand, when there is a latent threat to the feline, such as other animals, cats or children, his fear of being vulnerable while relieving himself will lead him to look for a safer place away from risks. This is related to the location of the litter box, coexistence with other cats and cases of territorial marking.

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