
The stigma attached to some dog breeds

Since time immemorial, some breeds of dogs have been catalogued as
breeds of dogs
Fortunately, over the years this has been modified thanks to domestication, but in spite of this, there is still the idea that because a dog belongs to a certain breed it can represent a threat.

Many animal protection organizations have been mobilizing in recent years to enforce stricter laws against those who use dogs for life-threatening activities, such as dog fighting. Some governments have also changed the laws in favor of animals so that those who abuse them are punished before the law. Although significant progress has been made, these sad events continue to take place in a clandestine manner.

But among the most affected by these unfortunate events are certain types of dog breeds. People tend to associate them with aggressiveness and violence, which motivates many not to approach them, thinking that they may be prey to an attack.

The belief that they are born as fighting dogs is so deeply rooted in people that when they are walking in the streets, either alone or with their owners, they prefer to move away from them to avoid attracting the dog’s attention.

Breeds such as the Pit Bull, Bull Terrier, American Stafford, Rottweiler, Doberman, among others, continue to be the object of fear for many individuals, largely due to the strong physique they possess, but the reality is that behind them can hide a heart full of nobility.

It all depends on the breeding and not on the breed of dog.

In dogs, it has been proven, as with humans, that nurture largely determines behavior at all stages of life. If a child is taught values from an early age, lives in harmony with his peers and also has the possibility of interacting, he will have great probabilities of being a person who adapts peacefully to society; with dogs it is similar, regardless of the breed to which he belongs, if they are given love and respect, there will be no reason to worry that in the future he may become aggressive.

It has even been observed that the aforementioned breeds, when raised in harmony, tend to be very affectionate with everyone, including children.