Care Other Pets

Reasons why tortoises make good pets

Escrito por Mundocachorro

Many parents want their children to have a pet, but are often held back by the potential complications of pet care. Of course, adopting a pet means having an additional member of the family and providing them with proper care. That is why opting for a pet tortoise when there are children at home can be an excellent choice. In this post we tell you why and you will also find some general tips for the care of this pet.

Advantages of owning a tortoise

  1. Land tortoises are very calm and peaceful animals. They do not usually require more attention because they do not need to be taken out for walks or exercise. Unlike dogs, a tortoise will get the amount of exercise it needs on its own. In this way, owners of this type of pet can have a little more peace of mind.
  2. It is an animal that does not emit noises that may disturb the neighbors, as may be the case with dogs or cats. Nor is it an animal that emits unpleasant odors.
  3. Land tortoises tend to be very long-lived. A tortoise with proper care can have a long life spanning decades. If the children in the house are the ones who are going to take care of them, they will be able to enjoy their company for a long time.
  4. Being in charge of a pet is an excellent opportunity for children to learn about responsibility and commitment. Knowing that they have a pet in their care can be a lesson in how to care for others and feel useful.
  5. In addition to learning responsibility, children can become aware of nature through caring for other living beings. In this way, they can learn to preserve and protect all forms of life that exist on the planet and to be sensitive to the environment that surrounds us, in addition to learning about the specific life cycle of the tortoise.


Land tortoises are animals that require simple care. The main aspects to be taken into account are the following:

  • Lodging. This pet needs to move freely, so the best option may be a terrarium. It must have a substrate such as soil or sand that allows it to dig. In addition, it must be of adequate size to allow the turtle to move around and bask in the sun.
  • Temperature. In order to stay healthy, tortoises need a warm temperature. In general, the temperature should be around 28 degrees. This will allow you to regulate your body temperature
  • Food. Turtles need a balanced diet. It should include fruits and vegetables. He may require calcium and vitamin supplements, which should be prescribed by the veterinarian. It is important to avoid foods such as onions, garlic and avocado, which can be toxic. In any case, the veterinarian will be able to assist you with the care of your tortoise and check its general health.

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