
In Aragón, the APNs carried out a rescue of the griffon vulture

In the Natural Park of the Sierra and Canyons of Guara located in Aragon, in the municipality of Casbas de Huesca. Last July 21, a guide was descending the Formiga canyons with a group of tourists. Where he could see that a griffon vulture was struggling to get out of there.

Due to the vulture’s dangerous descent, the guide was unable to rescue it. Through which the Agents for the Protection of Nature (APNs) of the Government of Aragon were contacted. This institution organized the rescue on July 22.

Rescue process

Members of the Grupo de Barrancos de los Agentes para la Protección de la Naturaleza (APNs), in charge of the rescue of the griffon vulture, arrived at the site where the endangered bird was found. Equipped with mountain equipment and putting into practice the skills of descent, they reached the area of difficult access, such as the Formiga canyons.

The griffon vulture was immobilized and transported by rescuers through the paths along the Formiga ravine, until reaching a safe point where it could be lifted with ropes and removed from the danger zone.

It was a young griffon vulture. It is presumed that he was trapped in the ravine and was unable to take flight. The CPAs found the bird with signs of malnutrition and very weak. Due to his delicate state of health, he was transferred to the Wildlife Recovery Center of La Alfranca of the Government of Aragon.

Additional information

The Agents for the Protection of Nature department (APNs) under the Government of Aragon. They are deployed on the descent paths of the ravines. In several stations they are in charge of communicating to tourists and canyoners the protection regulations of the Natural Park of the Sierra and Canyons of Guara.

Organized groups of APNs are in charge of monitoring flora and fauna, carrying out rescue work, regulating entry to the canyons, evaluating possible impacts caused by canyoning activities, and are alert to possible irregularities that may occur in the canyons. In addition, APNs has a team specialized in interventions in canyons with difficult access.

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