Care Dogs

Exercises for an overweight dog

Escrito por Mundocachorro

If your canine pet is overweight for its breed and age, it is a problem you should not overlook. The reality is that an overweight dog can have multiple problems that can shorten its life and make it sick. Therefore, if your dog is overweight, you must work to eliminate it and a good way is through exercise.

Best exercises for an overweight dog

It is important to put in place the acquisition of healthy habits for your pet. This will help you improve your physical condition and quality of life. That is to say, your canine pet must have a good diet together with regular exercise.

  • Start small. If your dog is not in the habit of exercising regularly, you should start gradually with the practice.
  • Hiking is the ideal ideal option. A good walk with your pet can help him to achieve an improvement in his weight. Of course, the duration and pace should be increased gently to avoid problems. If you start with a walk that is too long, your dog may get tired and not want to go out again.
  • Check the signs of your dog. If you see your pet showing signs of suffocation or agitation, stop the exercise immediately and let it recover.
  • Play with your dog and strengthens the bond. An indirect way to make your dog more motivated to exercise is to play with him. Throwing branches or balls for him to fetch and run with and giving him special toys or chasing you are options that are likely to make him happy while he exercises.
  • Go to the next level when it improves. You will be able to notice the improvements in your dog when he is at a better level of training. If he shows no signs of fatigue and is cheerful, you can move on to stronger exercises. For example, going out on a bike and having him run alongside you is an easy option.
  • The swimming pool is a good option. If you have a swimming pool, aquatic exercises can be very good to reduce the risk of injury to your pet.

Problems caused by overweight in dogs

The causes for a dog to become overweight are varied. They can range from lack of exercise to inadequate nutrition, as well as different problems. But the consequences of excess weight in dogs are similar:

  • Shorter life expectancy
  • High pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Respiratory problems
  • Liver malfunction
  • Difficulty in moving
  • Joint problems
  • Difficulty digesting food

When your pet is overweight

In general terms, a dog is considered overweight when it is 15-30% over the normal weight for its breed. If overweight exceeds 30%, it is considered obesity.

You will also be able to tell that your dog is overweight if his face and neck are fatter. You may also notice it in the abdominal area.

An overweight dog will not feel like exercising or walking. May spend most of the time lying down and have shortness of breath or wheezing. In any case, it is always advisable to take him to the veterinarian on a regular basis.

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