Care Cats

Everything you need to know before neutering your cat

Escrito por Mundocachorro

The sterilization of cats is a very common practice among cat owners, but it is not always clear what the process entails. That’s why in this article we’re going to detail some aspects of what it means to spay or neuter your cat. This is so you can make the best decision, as well as accompany your pet during the process.

Spaying and neutering your cat: differences between spaying and neutering

Although sterilization is generally referred to as any of the processes to prevent reproduction, the reality is that sterilization and castration are two different processes. In addition to this, they will also have different consequences on the feline’s behavior.

Sterilization is usually a vasectomy for males and tubal ligation for females. But, spaying and neutering involves the removal of your cat’s sexual organs. While spaying and neutering do not usually have consequences on your cat’s behavior, neutering may. In fact, it can affect males and females differently.

3 benefits of neutering your cat

This means that the removal of the sexual organs will bring about hormonal changes. In the case of males that may have aggressive or dominant behavior, castration will tend to soften that behavior. But if it is a female with a similar character, spaying may worsen the behavior.

A neutered male cat will also see his impulse to escape in search of females or to mark his territory diminished.

On the other hand, sterilization will have no behavioral consequences, because their hormones will continue to be produced normally. This means that their reproductive behavior will remain unchanged, even though they will no longer be able to procreate. Males will continue to mark territory and females will continue to come into heat.

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When to spay or neuter felines

Experts point out that cats can be sterilized at any age. However, there is agreement that the best age is before sexual maturity. This is between six and eight months of age.

Some veterinary centers recommend this practice even earlier, between two and three months of age. In general, early sterilization does not appear to have adverse effects on cats. What is definitely a myth is that you have to wait until cats have their first heat before they are spayed. Nor is it necessary for them to have a litter before undergoing the process.

Post-procedure care

After sterilization, your kitten will go through a post-operative process. After a few hours of the intervention, they will be able to go home, although it could happen that the cats will have to spend some more hours under observation. In any case, when you get home it is recommended that they are comfortable and calm and that you let them recover at their own pace.

Chances are your cat will be back in good spirits in no time and will be back to normal in no time.

Image courtesy of, to whom all rights belong.