Dogs Feeding Tips

Dogs with underweight problems

Escrito por Mundo Cachorro

Sometimes our dogs are too thin even if they do not suffer from any disease. As with human beings, animals differ in their tastes and metabolism and, therefore, there will be those who are chubby either because they are gluttons or because their body burns calories slowly, and there will be those who are slim and look like athletes.

As long as you have ruled out with your veterinarian that your dog does not have any disease, there are some tips that we give you with which you will get your pet to look plumper. But above all, it must be a healthy and well-fed animal.

Feed your dog well

The aspects you have to take into account when feeding your dog are:

  • Feed quality. It is better to choose those with vitamin supplements.
  • Make sure your dog does not have stomach problems. If you are not sure if he will do well with the feed, change brands.
  • Dog food, as in babies, must be kept under control. A dog under 6 months of age should eat about 6 times a day, reducing to 3 times a day as it gets older. Up to 14 months of age, they need to be fed 3 times a day. From 15 months of age, if it is a small dog, it will eat only once a day. If it is a dog over twenty kilos, it will eat twice a day.
  • Chicken, lamb and fish should not be missing in the dog’s diet. They provide protein.
  • A little rice from time to time will provide carbohydrates.