Care Cats

Deworming your indoor cat

Escrito por Mundocachorro

Some pet owners have the belief that if their cats do not leave the house, there is no need to deworm them. However, experts in the field recommend that feline pets should always be dewormed, even if they are indoor cats that never leave the house.

In fact, one of the most important care for cats is deworming. Parasites are organisms that can live inside or outside a host. In this case, they could live inside or outside your kitten.

Internal parasites usually affect mainly your pet’s digestive and respiratory systems. External parasites can affect both the skin and mucous membranes of kittens. The latter can be fleas, ticks and others.

Why an indoor cat may have parasites

If you have an indoor cat, this does not mean that it cannot have parasites. Even if your cat is indoors all the time, it could still become infected with external or internal parasites.

Parasites can enter through the window. They could also come with the clothes or shoes of people who do spend time on the street. Another way your cat can get external or external parasites is if there is a dog in the house and it does go out. In fact, it could bring fleas home and spread them to your cat.

Even a routine visit to the veterinarian can be a time for your cat to contract parasites. In conclusion, all cats need to be dewormed as often as determined by the veterinarian.

Prevention is important

Pet health care often depends on prevention. And among the preventive care you can give your cat is regular deworming.

Starting at home, you can use regular disinfection at home. It is also important that your cat’s belongings are kept clean. The environment where your cat moves every day should also be sanitized on a regular basis.

Ideally, you should visit your veterinarian periodically with your cat and it is this professional who will recommend the doses and frequency of deworming. This frequency can be determined depending on factors such as breed, age and general health of your pet.

Other important implements to keep parasites at bay are external dewormers. Here we talk about antiparasitic pipettes, collars and sprays. A general recommendation is that sprays are indicated for cats under four weeks of age.

Frequent parasites

The most frequent internal parasites are hookworms, which can be transmitted through breast milk or by simple contact with the soil. There are also tapeworms, which even humans can suffer from. Worms and ascarids are also frequent.

The best known external parasites are fleas, ticks and ear mites. This type of parasite can attack the skin of cats and cause them to suffer from redness, hair loss and other discomforts.

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