Care Cats

7 reasons why your cat may have antisocial behavior

Escrito por Mundocachorro

Cats tend to be free and independent pets. On many occasions, although they may bond with their caregivers, they may also exhibit what appears to be a display of antisocial behavior. For example, those behaviors that involve avoiding social interaction, such as presenting aggression or isolation.

In any case, this type of behavior usually has its reasons. If you want to discover them, read on.

Causes of your cat’s antisocial behavior

The most common causes for a cat to exhibit antisocial behavior are as follows:

  1. Trauma. A cat that has suffered trauma in the past may exhibit antisocial behavior. In fact, a kitten that has been abused or in stressful situations will be reserved and avoid social contact.
  2. Lack of socialization. It is necessary that during the first weeks of a kitten’s life it receives proper socialization. This will help him learn to relate to other animals and people. If he does not receive it, he will most certainly exhibit antisocial behaviors.
  3. Illness or pain. In general, cats are masters at hiding symptoms of pain or illness. But on occasion, a cat that is not feeling well due to a health problem may become withdrawn.
  4. Changes. Cats tend to like to have routines and are very sensitive to changes in their environment. In fact, a move, a change in family dynamics or any event capable of altering the routine could provoke antisocial behavior in your cat.
  5. Stress. In response to a stressful situation, cats may exhibit withdrawal behaviors and lack of contact. Stressful situations may include changes in routine. Other factors such as loud noises and even lack of environmental enrichment can also cause stress.
  6. Personality. Cats can have their own character and differ from each other. Some kittens are more reserved and shy and will shy away from contact with people.
  7. Lack of attention. All cats need attention and mental stimulation in order to be happy and socially balanced. A cat that does not receive sufficient attention and interaction may become frustrated and exhibit antisocial behaviors.

Antisocial behavior

Actions or behaviors known as antisocial behaviors generally refer to those that go against social norms or involve avoiding social interaction.

Antisocial behaviors in cats manifest themselves in the following ways:

  • Aggression to people or other animals, including scratching, snorting, growling and scratching.
  • Isolation and lack of interaction with people and animals. This includes hiding in places such as closets or inaccessible places.
  • Refusal of caresses or physical contact in general with people. In these cases, the cat will flee when approached by a person or will bristle its fur.
  • Another such behavior is exaggerated territorial marking. These are cats that spray urine in different areas of the house compulsively to mark their territory and keep other animals or people away.
  • Scratching furniture, breaking objects or chewing on wires may be a way to release energy or get attention.

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