
6 habits of cats and why they do them

Escrito por Mundocachorro

Cats often have behaviors that can surprise or amuse us. Even on occasion, domestic felines may have habits that at first glance seem incomprehensible. However, in general, many of the habits of cats have their raison d’être in their feline nature. And of course, in the instincts of hunters that still survive even though they are domestic animals. In this post we will tell you about the reason for some of these surprising habits of our kitties.

Habits of cats at home

While each cat may have its own personality and habits, it is also true that domestic felines share certain behaviors. If you’ve ever had a cat at home, you’ve probably noticed that they don’t like closed doors and love to perch in high places. These are habits of cats at home that have their explanation and we tell you about it here.

1. Open doors

Many cats want the doors of the house to be open. They may meow until you open them, but they won’t necessarily want to come out. The point is that a cat may perceive a closed door as a decrease in its territory. Other causes may be to attract attention or simply to find out what’s behind it. That is, to satisfy their curious nature.

2. Elevated locations

One of the most widespread habits of cats is to climb on high places. They usually seek height by climbing on any piece of furniture in the house. The catlike intention in this case is a way to both control and explore the territory. That’s why your cat will be happy with an accessory that allows it to soar to different heights.

3. Mood swings

Cats sometimes have apparent mood swings. In reality, the point is that they are not very tolerant to caresses. That is why they sometimes get a reputation for being surly, although it is simply in their nature that they do not like to be manipulated too much.

4. Search for warmth

Cats tend to approach any place where there is a heat source nearby. That is why they are frequently seen near computers or anywhere that is hot. Some scientists claim that the explanation comes from an ancient ancestor of cats that had a high tolerance to higher temperatures.

5. Always order food

Even if they have a full plate, kittens often continue to beg for food. At times, this can seem like a kind of obsession with seeing a full plate. But the reality is that cats have dietary needs that involve hunting five to six pieces a day.

In fact, their digestive system is designed to eat small amounts several times a day. When a cat is domesticated, instinct kicks in and it asks for food from its provider, in this case, the person who feeds it.

6. Playing at night

Cats, despite being domestic animals, have a part of their nature which is that of nocturnal hunters. Therefore, they tend to sleep during the day and become active at night.

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