Care Dogs Tips

Why it is important for your dog to learn to paw the dog

Escrito por Mundocachorro

Although it may seem an unimportant action, having your dog learn to paw can be very useful for him to develop other skills. In reality, learning to paw is a social skill that can be achieved with basic training. But, a dog that has this ability will also be a dog that is accustomed to having its paws touched. And this is necessary for visits to the vet and also for nail trimming.

It is important to know that dogs instinctively do not like to have their paws touched. In fact, they often shy away from contact on their paws because it is an essential part of their body for almost everything dogs do. That is, to move, to hunt, to defend themselves and also to communicate.

Another thing to keep in mind is that once your dog has learned to paw, he may want to keep pawing forever. When they learn to paw, it is normal for them to receive cuddles and caresses and other rewards. That’s why they may find it so enjoyable that they want to keep kicking the bucket.

How to make your dog learn to paw the dog

If you have not been able to get your dog to learn to paw, here are some tips to help you do it. Start training gently and without forcing it. Nor will scolding and shouting, which will only intimidate him.

  • When your dog is sitting, extend your hand towards him. The palm of your hand should be facing up. The idea is for your dog to perceive that you are giving him your hand.
  • Faced with this attitude, most dogs will lean forward.
  • At that moment, you can lift his paw and move it up and down as a greeting. Take the opportunity to say “Give me your paw” in a soft and affectionate voice.
  • Hold your dog’s paw while continuing to talk and repeating “Give me your paw”.
  • Give a treat that can be a special dog treat.
  • It is very likely that your dog will quickly begin to spontaneously extend its paw. In addition, he may also try to repeat the behavior because he liked it.

Start early

Although dogs do not like to have their paws touched, they can accept paw touching, first with training to learn to paw, but also when their owners have touched their paws since they are very young.

It is recommended that you make it a habit for your dog to have his paws checked, because this will make it easier for him to visit the vet and have his nails trimmed regularly.

To do this, you can touch, rub and hold your puppy’s paws for a few seconds every day. To do this, try pressing gently between the toes of the leg and squeeze the padded part.

In any case, the point is for your dog to learn through experience that touching his paws is not a sign that something bad or uncomfortable is going to happen to him. The more contact, the better it will accept manipulation on its paws.