Care Dogs

What you need to know to clean your dog’s ears

Escrito por Mundocachorro

Hygiene is a very important issue for the health of pets, especially when it comes to something so delicate. as the ear. Many people are unaware that, in addition to bathing, dogs are also need an occasional ear cleaning session to keep their ears clean. free of infections and diseases. And because this topic is not usually very often mentioned, cases of infections are more recurrent than they should be. could be expected.

The dog’s ear is an organ highly sophisticated and one of its most important tools, which is why it is The importance of their care cannot be overemphasized. For this reason, it is you need to know what you need to know to clean your dog’s ears.

General information

The rigorous care required The canine is closely related to its breed, because depending on the breed, the dog will have a greater or lesser predisposition to acquire infections or to present hearing problems. Dogs with long, floppy ears, and those that have long, floppy ears, and those that have abundant hair inside the ear canal as the papillon breed, are the most common. who are mainly affected by the infections and who require treatment sessions. more rigorous cleaning.

The number of sessions recommended for The daily rate for these dogs is one a week, accompanied by other care to prevent the infections. On the other hand, dogs with short, erect ears and with almost no hair in that area do not usually present problems due to infections, since they have better ventilation of your ear canal. In these cases, the number of cleaning sessions should be once every 15 days or every two weeks.

Before starting to practice the cleaning of In dogs with ear infections, it is advisable to visit a veterinarian for information. personalized.

Necessary elements for the cleaning and preliminary review

To clean your dog’s ears it is necessary to have clean gauze, a cloth, a canine ear cleaner certified, a quiet and well-lit place, as well as with serenity. These elements will be used to remove wax and any other type of dirt. that can be found inside the ear, but before starting this process the preliminary review is essential.

The preliminary review seeks to to rule out the possibility of infection or the presence of anything abnormal in the ear or in the ear that requires an immediate visit to the veterinarian. First of all that will have to be seen when checking the canine is the color of the ear canal, which will has a pale pink hue when healthy. After this, it is necessary to make sure that no foul or strange odor is coming from the dog’s ear, in order to then check the ears and head area for lumps and bumps in the ears and head. pain, along with large amounts of wax with a blackish color.

In addition to physical evidence, we also observe if the dog shakes its head excessively or tries to scratch its ears. If, after preliminary review, none of the following has been found elements, then the dog is healthy and cleaning can proceed. At Otherwise, the person will have to go as quickly as possible to a veterinarian.

External and internal cleaning of the ear

Cleaning of the external part of the ear does not is really complicated and is usually done with a cloth dampened with water. It is also recommended to do it with a gauze and the canine ear cleaner. Small circular movements are used to clean this area. It is important to emphasize that if a cloth is used, it must not be used for any reason whatsoever. water should drip or leak, as it can get inside the ear and become a serious problem in the future.

When cleaning the ears of a dog, the The internal part is the one that requires more delicacy and caution. In this case, the Wrap a piece of gauze around the index finger and carefully insert it into the to the ear, without exerting force or putting it all the way in; just pass it through slowly along the walls so that the dirt sticks to the gauze. This is where canine ear cleaner, which is applied before the introduction of the ear, is used more frequently. the gauze, hoping that the gauze has spread well.

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