Care Dogs Feeding

What fruits you can’t give your dog

Escrito por Mundocachorro

Dogs and humans have maintained a close relationship for thousands of years. This has generated an adaptation in the dogs’ metabolic system that allows them different digestive capabilities than their totally carnivorous ancestors. That is why dogs can eat fruits and vegetables and enjoy a more varied diet.

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However, while there are many fruits and vegetables that you can eat, there are also some of these foods that will put your health at risk if you eat them. In this article we tell you which fruits you should avoid and which ones you can give in moderation. Remember that even though they are part of the family, they have different dietary needs than people.

Fruits that dogs cannot eat

  • Grapes and raisins. Although it is a delicious food for humans, canine pets should never eat grapes or raisins. In fact, the ingestion of this type of food can cause liver and kidney damage. Their prolonged consumption can even cause kidney failure in your dog, so avoid them completely.
  • Avocado. Avocado is a favorite of many people. However, the ingestion of avocado for your puppy can generate a lot of discomfort. Experts say avocados contain persin, a substance that could upset your stomach and in more serious cases, damage your heart.
  • Fruits with pits and seeds. You should avoid giving your dog fruits such as cherries and others with pits. This is because most of these fruits contain cyanide in their seeds. This substance is poisonous and cannot be processed by your dog’s body.
  • Citrus. Orange, lemons, lime and grapefruit should be avoided in dog food. One of the causes is that they contain a large amount of sugars that can cause obesity and diabetes in your dog. It may also cause general stomach upset and vomiting.

Fruits you can eat

Although it is not recommended that dogs eat large amounts of any fruit because of its high fructose content, there are some fruits that you can give them as a reward in small quantities.

As a general rule, always remember to remove the seeds from fruits before giving them to your pet. This is because the seeds can be toxic to your dog.

  • Apple. Apples have anti-inflammatory properties and are rich in vitamin C, calcium and other minerals. May prevent stomach problems
  • Banana. It is rich in soluble fiber, but should be supplied in small quantities. If you notice that it causes any disorder, stop taking it immediately.
  • Apricot and peach. These fruits, like the banana, are rich in soluble fiber and help intestinal functions. They also have a high iron content. This helps prevent anemia. Remember to remove the seed
  • Blueberries. Blueberries are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and fiber. It is a fruit that will help prevent cardiovascular diseases in your canine pet.

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