Care Dogs Tips

Tips for bringing a dog home with small children

Escrito por Mundocachorro

Thinking of adopting a dog but you have small children at home? In general, this is a great idea, because dogs and children will be the best companions. However, when it comes to bringing a dog home for a family with young children, there are some important things to keep in mind.

That is why in this post we have prepared a series of tips that will help you ensure that the new member of the family is welcome in their new home. And of course, that the bond between the dog and the children is the best.

Dog at home with small children

Bringing a dog home when there are young children requires planning and patience to ensure a smooth and safe transition for everyone. Here are some tips that can help you in this process.

  • Pre-research: Be sure to choose a breed of dog that is known for its friendly and tolerant nature towards children. Consult with veterinarians, breeders and dog behavior experts for recommendations.
  • Pre-training: Before bringing the dog home, make sure it is well trained in basic commands such as “sit”, “stay”, “down” and “come”. This will help establish a solid foundation for interaction with children.
  • Constant supervision: Never leave the dog and small children alone without supervision. Even if your dog is friendly, interactions can become unpredictable, and it is important to be there to intervene if necessary.
  • Gradual introduction: Make a slow and controlled introduction between the dog and the children. Allow them to get to know each other in a calm and stress-free environment. Avoid aggressive interactions, such as hugging or pulling the dog’s tail, at first.
  • Set boundaries: Teach children how to interact respectfully with the dog. Explain to them that the dog also needs its space and quiet time.
  • Dog safe zone: Provides a safe and quiet place for the dog to retreat to if it becomes overwhelmed. This could be a bed or a space where children do not have access.
  • Positive reinforcement: Encourages positive interactions between the dog and children by rewarding the dog for appropriate behaviors during playtime. This helps to strengthen the relationship between them.
  • Educate children: Teach children to respect the dog, not to disturb the dog while eating or sleeping, and to recognize the dog’s signs of discomfort, such as growling or tense body language.
  • Activity and exercise: Make sure the dog gets enough exercise and activity to keep him balanced and happy. This can help reduce the risk of the dog feeling stressed or frustrated.

Consultation with the trainer

If you have concerns about the interaction between the dog and your children, consider seeking the help of a dog trainer or dog behavior professional. They can provide you with personalized guidance and advice specific to your situation.

Remember that every dog and family is different, so it is important to adapt these tips to your particular circumstances. Patience, consistency and love are key to establishing a positive and secure relationship between your new dog and the younger ones.

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