Dogs Tips

Reasons why shaving a dog is a bad idea

The arrival of warmer temperatures makes many pet owners decide to shave their pets, with the thought that this can help them cope with the heat. However, shaving a dog can be a bad idea. However, it is advisable first of all to know that haircuts can have different results for different breeds of dogs. That’s why consulting a veterinarian can be important, and will help you make the best decision for your pet’s well-being.

Why shaving a dog is not good for you

The first thing to take into account is that a dog’s coat can have different functions within its organism. Among these functions is the protection of the skin, as well as the regulation of your body temperature.

  • Thermal insulation. For both warm and cold climates, a dog’s coat is able to act as a natural insulator. This means that with its hair it can maintain a balanced and stable body temperature. That is, the coat is able to insulate its body from both cold and heat. When temperatures are high, the coat will help protect your dog’s skin from direct sun exposure and allow it to have a stable body temperature.
  • Skin protection. Another reason not to shave a dog is that its coat acts as a protective layer against solar radiation. It also protects them from external elements such as insects and other substances that may act as environmental allergens. When you shave your dog, you are leaving it exposed to these agents. You may be at risk of sunburn, irritation and allergies.
  • Temperature regulation. The skin and coat of dogs is a natural cooling system. By acting as an insulator, this duo prevents heat from entering your skin too quickly. In addition, the air trapped inside the coat is able to help cool the dog’s body through evaporation of sweat. When you shave your dog, you may well interfere with the natural cooling process. This means that your dog may have difficulty regulating body temperature.


Instead of shaving your dog completely, you could follow these recommendations regarding his coat and high temperatures.

  • Regular brushing. Through regular brushing you will be able to remove your dog’s dead hair. You will avoid the formation of a tangled coat that could hinder your dog’s natural temperature regulation process.
  • Shading and moisturizing. In high temperatures, you should ensure that your dog has adequate shade at all times to protect it from the sun’s rays. Fresh water should also be available.
  • Avoid walks during the hottest hours of the day. Dogs need to go out and exercise every day. But during the hottest days, avoid going out during the hottest hours. Try to go out early in the morning or when the sun has already gone down.

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