Care Dogs

Metacam for dogs and what you should know about this anti-inflammatory treatment

Caring for the health of our pets requires attention and knowledge about the medications administered to them. Metacam is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) widely used in dogs to treat pain and inflammation, especially in cases of arthritis, hip dysplasia and other musculoskeletal disorders.
This drug has been shown to be effective in relieving pain, improving the quality of life of animals suffering from chronic diseases or acute pain following surgery. Metacam for dogs

What is Metacam and how does it work?

Metacam is the trade name of a drug whose active ingredient is meloxicam.
This compound belongs to the NSAID class and acts by inhibiting the cyclooxygenase enzymes (COX-1 and COX-2), which are involved in the production of prostaglandins, substances that cause inflammation, pain and fever in the body.
By reducing the synthesis of these prostaglandins, Metacam helps reduce inflammation and pain, providing significant relief to dogs in need.
Metacam is available in various forms, such as oral solution, injectable and tablets. The oral solution is the most commonly used, as it allows the dosage to be precisely adjusted according to the dog’s weight. This drug is administered once a day and is rapidly absorbed into the body, beginning to relieve symptoms within a few hours.

Indications for Metacam for dogs

The most common use of Metacam is to treat osteoarthritis in dogs, a degenerative joint disease that causes pain, stiffness and inflammation. This medication not only relieves pain, but also improves the dog’s mobility, allowing it to enjoy a better quality of life. Veterinarians also prescribe Metacam to control postoperative pain following orthopedic, dental and soft tissue surgeries, as well as to treat other acute and chronic inflammatory conditions.

Onsior for dogs: pain relief with precision and safety

It is important that Metacam be administered under the supervision of a veterinarian because, although it is safe for most dogs, some may experience side effects.
In addition, the veterinarian will determine the appropriate dosage based on the weight and specific condition of the animal.

Side effects and precautions

Although Metacam is generally safe, like all medications, it can cause side effects in some dogs. The most common adverse effects include vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and lethargy. In more severe cases, gastrointestinal ulcerations, kidney or liver problems may occur, especially if administered in incorrect doses or for a prolonged period of time.
For this reason, it is crucial to monitor the dog during treatment with Metacam and report any unusual symptoms to the veterinarian. Dogs with a history of renal, hepatic or gastrointestinal disease should be carefully evaluated before starting treatment with this drug. In addition, Metacam should not be combined with other NSAIDs or corticosteroids, as this increases the risk of serious side effects.

Alternatives to Metacam

If a dog does not tolerate Metacam well or if significant side effects occur, other alternatives are available.
Other NSAIDs, such as carprofen or firocoxib, may be considered as options, although the choice of drug will depend on the veterinarian’s evaluation and the specific needs of the dog.

Can dogs suffer from osteoarthritis?

In addition to NSAIDs, veterinarians may recommend the use of nutraceutical supplements such as glucosamine and chondroitin, which can help improve long-term joint health. Complementary therapies, such as acupuncture or physical therapy, may also be helpful in controlling pain and improving mobility.

Responsible use of Metacam

The use of Metacam in dogs should be carried out in a responsible manner, always following the veterinarian’s instructions. It is essential not to administer a higher dose than prescribed, nor to continue the treatment for longer than recommended without the veterinarian’s authorization. The use of Metacam should also be avoided in dogs with known hypersensitivity to meloxicam or other NSAIDs.
In addition, owners should be aware of signs of serious side effects, such as persistent vomiting, bloody diarrhea, prolonged loss of appetite, changes in urination or signs of extreme lethargy. If any of these symptoms are observed, the drug should be discontinued and the veterinarian should be contacted immediately.

The importance of communication with the veterinarian

Treatment with Metacam should be a decision made in conjunction with the veterinarian, who will evaluate the benefits and risks for the dog. It is crucial to maintain open and regular communication with the veterinarian throughout the treatment process. This allows you to adjust the dosage as needed, change medications if problems arise, or explore complementary therapies that may benefit the dog. Metacam can be an invaluable tool in the management of pain and inflammation in dogs, but its use must be careful and well supervised. The combination of proper veterinary care, constant monitoring and a holistic approach to the dog’s well-being can result in a better quality of life for pets suffering from chronic disease or acute pain.
Metacam is an effective and safe medication for the treatment of pain and inflammation in dogs, especially in cases of osteoarthritis and post-operative pain. However, as with any medication, its use requires caution and veterinary supervision to avoid serious side effects. With a responsible approach and good communication with the veterinarian, owners can ensure that their pets receive the relief they need without compromising their overall health.