Care Dogs Tips

Can dogs suffer from osteoarthritis?

Escrito por Mundocachorro

Osteoarthritis, also known as osteoarthritis, is a chronic degenerative disease that affects the joints of dogs. This condition causes pain, stiffness and difficulty in movement, decreasing the quality of life of our pets. It is crucial to understand this disease in order to provide your canine friend with the necessary care and support.

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Symptoms of osteoarthritis in dogs

Symptoms of osteoarthritis in dogs can vary, but common signs include lameness, stiffness when getting up, difficulty climbing stairs or jumping, tenderness to touch in affected joints, as well as changes in their behavior, such as loss of interest in physical activities.


Osteoarthritis can develop due to various reasons, such as aging, joint injuries, hip or elbow dysplasia, congenital malformations, overweight, as well as natural wear and tear of the joints due to use and the passage of time.

If you suspect osteoarthritis in your dog, it is crucial to visit your veterinarian. Diagnosis is usually made by radiographs and clinical analysis. Once the condition is confirmed, treatment focuses on relieving pain and reducing inflammation. Treatments may include anti-inflammatory medications, nutritional supplements, physical therapies such as physical therapy, as well as changes in diet and exercise.

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Home care for your dog with osteoarthritis

There are steps you can take at home to help your dog cope with osteoarthritis. Maintaining an appropriate weight is essential to reduce pressure on the joints. In addition, providing a balanced diet and nutritional supplements, such as glucosamine and chondroitin, can help maintain joint health.

Creating a comfortable environment for your pet is also key. One option is to provide orthopedic beds and access to resting places that do not require additional effort. Adapting exercise is crucial: low-impact activities such as gentle walking or swimming can be beneficial, while jumping and running should be limited.

Osteoarthritis not only affects dogs physically, but can also influence their emotional well-being. Give your pet lots of love, attention and mental stimulation to keep his spirits up, even if his mobility is limited.

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Prevention and continuous monitoring

While osteoarthritis cannot be completely prevented, some care can help reduce the risk of its development, such as weight control and regular and adequate exercise to strengthen muscles and joints. In addition, regular monitoring of your dog’s health along with frequent visits to the veterinarian can help identify and address any problems early.

In summary, osteoarthritis is a painful condition that affects many dogs, but with proper management, you can significantly improve your canine companion’s quality of life. With medical care, lifestyle changes and lots of love and support, you can help your dog stay comfortable, happy and active despite this disease.

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