Care Cats Tips

How to minimize your cat’s stress at the vet’s office

Escrito por Mundocachorro

When there is a kitten at home and a visit to the veterinarian is necessary, problems often begin. It often happens that cats become very stressed by the trip to the veterinarian. The unfamiliar surroundings and smells, as well as the vet’s examination itself, can be very stressful for them. However, there are several ways to minimize your cat’s stress and make a visit to the veterinarian more bearable.

Remember that kittens are very sensitive animals and can feel stress in a very profound way. In addition, stress in cats can be disastrous to their health and well-being, so it is important to minimize it as much as possible. Moreover, visits to the veterinarian may be associated with treatments or procedures, which can further aggravate the situation. We will see in this post some possible solutions.

Reducing your cat’s stress

Below we have prepared some tips to minimize your cat’s stress during visits to the veterinarian.

  1. Proper transport: Use a spacious and safe carrier to take your cat to the veterinarian. Make sure the conveyor is clean and comfortable. A good idea may be to place a blanket or towel that has the familiar scent of your cat. This will help you feel more secure.
  2. Pre-visit without treatment: If possible, take your cat to the veterinary clinic for a visit without any procedure or treatment. That is, an exploratory visit only. In this way, your cat will be able to explore the place and become familiar with the environment without associating it with negative experiences.
  3. Pre-appointment stress: Avoid additional stress before taking your cat to the veterinarian. Do not chase him or force him into the carrier, as this may increase his anxiety.
  4. Use of pheromones: Synthetic pheromones, such as feline facial pheromones, can help reduce stress in cats. You can spray the carrier with pheromones before putting your cat inside to calm it down.
  5. Stay calm: Your cat can detect your anxiety, so try to remain calm and collected during the trip and the vet visit. A relaxed attitude can help convey confidence to your pet.
  6. Avoid contact with other animals: As far as possible, prevent your cat from coming into direct contact with other animals in the clinic, as this may cause him/her more stress.
  7. Covering the carrier: While waiting in the clinic, you can partially cover the carrier with a towel or blanket. This will make your cat feel safer and less exposed.
  8. Rewards and praise: After the vet visit, offer your cat something he likes, such as his favorite food or a treat, and give him praise and affection to associate the experience with something positive.

Peace of mind is health

Remember that every cat is different, and some may require more time to adjust to the veterinary clinic than others. But above all, stress is bad for your kitty’s health.

On the other hand, it is always helpful to talk to your veterinarian about any concerns you have and follow his or her recommendations to ensure your cat’s health and well-being.

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