Care Dogs

How to avoid oral problems in your dog

Escrito por Mundocachorro

Dogs, like people, can have oral problems. For this reason, we have prepared in this article some recommendations to make taking care of your dog’s oral health easier.

Of course, it is important to know that in general, oral problems in our canine pets can be avoided with prevention. That is, by carrying out certain simple cares, your dog will be able to have a good dental health. In fact, not taking care of oral health can have bad consequences on your dog’s overall health.

The most frequent problems are usually related to tartar accumulation, but there may also be other problems such as caries, gingivitis and halitosis. In any case, it is important that you take care of this aspect of your dog’s health, as it depends directly on you.

Preventing oral problems in dogs

The first thing to do is to get your dog used to you handling his mouth from puppyhood. After some time, he will see it as normal for you to touch his mouth and teeth, which is ultimately what will allow you to have access to that area and be able to clean him properly.

One thing you can do to make your dog associate dental manipulation with a positive experience is to give him good stimulation. For example, stroking and talking softly. You can also give him a snack at the end of the moment. In this way, oral cleaning will become a positive routine.

Periodic oral cleanings are also necessary. To do this you can use rinses, toothpastes and antiseptics. Some products are very useful because they have been specially formulated to have a pleasant taste for your dog and do not require rinsing.

Some toys designed for your dog to chew on can be very beneficial. In fact, some have an abrasive effect on teeth, which helps prevent dental plaque.

Another action is to provide your dog with dental snacks. These are foods that help maintain hygiene, preventing the formation of tartar and halitosis. It is possible to incorporate these products into the routine in the form of a reward. It is a good way to take care of oral health, prevent problems and at the same time, make your dog happy.

Finally, it is important that you take your dog for check-ups with your veterinarian. An annual check-up is recommended, where the professional will be able to evaluate the general condition of your pet, as well as its teeth and gums.

Frequent conditions

Mouth conditions can cause pain and discomfort in dogs. They can also cause problems such as bad breath or halitosis and tooth decay. More serious pathologies such as gingivitis can also occur.

In more severe cases, bacteria that accumulate in the mouth, caused by different conditions, can spread to other organs. For example, they could reach the heart, kidneys or lungs. This through the bloodstream.