Care Dogs Tips

Discover the symptoms of dehydration in a dog.

Escrito por Mundocachorro

Dogs, like many living things, can suffer from dehydration. However, not all pet caregivers are aware of the most common symptoms of dehydration in a dog.

Sometimes, the higher temperatures that characterize the summer make this type of symptoms more frequent. In addition, it is important to know what can be done in these cases so that dehydration does not endanger your dog’s health.

Remember that dogs, like humans, have a high percentage of their body composed of water. In fact, it accounts for 60 to 70% of its composition. Dehydration occurs when there are fluid imbalances because the dog has eliminated more fluids than it has been able to recover. In this article we have prepared a list of the most common symptoms of dehydration in a dog.

Symptoms of dehydration in a dog

The most common symptoms of dehydration in a dog are the following:

  • Dry gums and mouth. The gums of a healthy dog are usually moist and pink in color. When dehydration occurs, your dog’s gums may look dry or sticky. You may also notice that your mouth will be dry, rather than moist and constantly salivating as normal.
  • Loss of elasticity. Another indication of dehydration in a dog is loss of skin elasticity. If you pinch your dog’s skin and it takes a long time to return to its normal position or it folds up, this could be another sign of dehydration.
  • Lethargy and weakness. A dog that is listless, lethargic and showing signs of general weakness could be dehydrated. In these cases, he/she will have low energy, a general decrease in activity and will show little interest in daily activities.
  • Less hunger and thirst. Dehydration in a dog can directly affect appetite and thirst. Less interest in eating and drinking than usual may be a sign that your puppy is going through a dehydration process.
  • Concentrated urine. A dog that urinates less frequently than usual or in smaller amounts may be dehydrated. In these cases your urine will be much more concentrated and will have a stronger odor and color than usual.
  • Sunken eyes. A dehydrated dog may have sunken and opaque eyes. They may also produce fewer tears than normal, with the consequence that they will look dry.

The vast majority of the symptoms we have described can vary in intensity. This will depend greatly on the degree of dehydration that the dog may have, as well as its general state of health.

When faced with a dehydrated dog, it is best to seek veterinary attention as soon as possible. On the other hand, it is advisable that your dog always has fresh water and adequate places to protect itself from the sun’s rays. It is also not advisable to take them out for a walk during the hottest hours of the day.

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