Care Dogs Tips

5 actions to recover an abused dog

Escrito por Mundocachorro

There are many dogs in the world that have been victims of mistreatment. Adopting a dog that has been through a situation like this is a great way to give it a new life and another chance to make a puppy happy.

But sometimes, despite good intentions, it can be a little difficult to recover an abused dog. For this reason, we have prepared a list of five actions you can take so that your dog can adapt to having a new family that will fill him with love in spite of his previous life.

Actions for an abused dog

Adaptation to the new family can be a challenge for the dog and, of course, for the members of the new family. In general, a dog that has suffered mistreatment develops fears and distrust towards other people and animals.

Occasionally, it can have an apathetic behavior and lose the desire to play and explore that are typical of the character of dogs. Therefore, the first thing to do is to find a way to gain their trust and establish a bond with the dog.

1. Gain their trust

In order to gain the trust of a dog that has suffered mistreatment, you must let the dog approach you. Offer cuddles with gentleness and try to stay at the same level, with a relaxed and friendly expression. He will soon learn to consider you a friend and not a threat.

2. Avoid scaring him

In the process of adaptation, you should avoid sudden noises and movements that may frighten them. Try to speak to him in a soft voice and try not to make very fast or sudden movements that may startle him.

Do not try to grab him if you notice that he is frightened or has not gained confidence. If you must take it outdoors, try to choose areas with little traffic, so that it can get used to the outdoors little by little.

3. Awards

Every time he behaves well and obeys any of the requests you may have made, offer him a reward. It is a positive reinforcement, which will help your dog’s re-education to be effective. It will also help the bond between you and your dog grow closer.

If, on the other hand, he does something wrong, do not scold him. Just tell him it’s not right and ignore him.

4. Routine matters

Your dog’s adaptation process requires you to establish routines. This also implies that you have a place of your own to rest such as a comfortable bed. You can also give him toys to keep him entertained and let him know they are his.

In addition, establishing a routine for eating, playing and going out will give you a sense of security and stability in your life.

5. Games

Games will be very important in your dog’s re-adaptation process. Although he may be apathetic and unwilling to play and interact, physical exercise will be very important at this stage. The activity will be beneficial to your pet’s well-being.


Remember that the process may be slower in some cases and faster in others. Therefore, the key is to have patience and affection, as well as to respect the times that the dog itself will set.

Another important aspect that should always be kept in mind is that yelling and punishments will only bring adverse results. In case you notice that there is no progress, it may be a good idea to hire a professional dog trainer.

Image by Pexels at Pixabay.