
3 tips for walking your dog

Escrito por Mundocachorro

An essential practice that needs to be part of everyday life is to walk your dog, as it is a fundamental element to keep them healthy, happy and fit. Spending time with your pet helps to strengthen bonds and relieve stress, especially when they live in small spaces or without a garden. In order to have a good and balanced ride, it is advisable to take into account the following points:

1. Special characteristics of the dog:

It is necessary for the owners or the person in charge of walking the pet to adapt to the special needs of the dog, always taking into consideration the breed, age or if it suffers from any particular problem, such as respiratory difficulties, among others. These data are of utmost importance since they allow the person to know what he/she can and cannot do when going for a walk, how much time should be dedicated to the walk, if he/she needs any special equipment or if a certain day is really appropriate to go out.

2. Equipment for the walk

The owner should always pay close attention to the equipment used and whether it is suitable for the pet. For some dogs it is more advisable to use a harness, just as others may need to wear a coat if the winter weather is already having its effect, this makes paying attention to these characteristics an irreplaceable key to ensure a comfortable and pleasant walk for the dog.

At this point you should consider bags to pick up droppings, the most effective type of leash to maintain control over the dog, any accessory that can be used to protect the dog from the weather, toys, identification tag, among others.

3. Attitude before and during the ride

Calm, patience and understanding are essential elements when taking a dog for a walk, teaching it new tricks or having a good time with it. The attitude of the person directly affects the animal, so if the attitude is negative, the chances of the dog becoming stressed or misbehaving are higher. The owner must never forget that the dog is not a robot, that it has its own needs and instinct, which causes some things to provoke rejection or make it more difficult to assimilate.