Care Dogs Tips

10 tips for getting a dog used to being left alone at home

Many dog owners have to leave their pets alone when they leave home. For some dogs, this can be a difficult task. If your dog has trouble staying home alone, there are a few things you can do to get him used to it.

It is also true that getting a dog used to staying home alone takes time, patience and a gradual approach. Some dogs may have separation anxiety when left alone, so it is important to address this problem in a positive way.

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Staying home alone

In this post we leave you some tips to help your dog to get used to stay alone at home in a calm and safe way. Read on!

  1. Start gradually. Start with short absences, just a few minutes, and then gradually increase the time you leave your dog home alone.
  2. Create a comfortable space. Provides a safe and comfortable area for your dog while he is alone. An area with his bed, toys and water can help him feel more relaxed.
  3. Obedience training. Make sure your dog understands basic commands such as “sit”, “stay” and “quiet”. These commands can help establish a more controlled environment when you leave.
  4. Exercise routine. Before leaving your dog alone, provide sufficient exercise and mental stimulation. A tired dog is less prone to anxiety and can sleep or relax while you are away.
  5. Desensitization to departure. Practice activities you normally do before you leave the house (such as getting your keys or putting on your coat) without actually going out. This helps desensitize your dog to the signals that indicate your departure.
  6. Drama-free departures. When you leave or return home, do so without making too much of a fuss. Avoid prolonged emotional goodbyes, as this can increase your dog’s anxiety.
  7. Music or television. Some people find it helpful to leave soft music or the television on to provide sound company for their dogs while they are outside.
  8. Use toys and puzzles. Provides toys and feeding puzzles to keep your dog busy while you are away. Food-filled toys can be especially effective.
  9. Remote monitoring. Consider using security cameras or monitoring apps to check on your dog while you are away. This will allow you to make sure it’s okay and give you peace of mind.
  10. Consult a professional. If your dog exhibits severe separation anxiety or exhibits behavioral problems while you are away, consider seeking the help of a dog trainer or veterinarian specializing in animal behavior.

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Patience and more patience

Remember that each dog is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. It is important to be patient and adjust your approach according to your pet’s specific needs.

When we have a pet in our care, it is important to remember to always look out for its welfare. Consider consulting a professional if you are having difficulty addressing separation anxiety or behavior related to being left home alone.

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