Cats Tips

Why do cats run away?

Escrito por Mundocachorro

If there is one thing that distinguishes cats, it is their special character, often mysterious and independent. Many times, caregivers of these pets worry about them running away and getting lost. That is why it is interesting to know the reasons why cats run away.

In fact, it is necessary for cat caregivers to understand what is behind this type of behavior. Knowing this, it will be easier to prevent escapes or at least know how to deal with an escaped cat.

Reasons for cats to escape

The most common reasons for cats escaping may be the following:

  • Exploration instinct: Cats are naturally curious creatures. They like to explore their environment and may be attracted to smells, sounds or movements outside the home.
  • Hunting instinct: Cats are innate predators and may be tempted to hunt prey such as birds, insects or other small animals they find outdoors.
  • Desire to socialize: If a cat is not sterilized, it may run away in search of companionship and mating with other cats in heat.
  • Boredom: Cats that do not have enough stimulation or enrichment in their environment may try to escape in search of excitement and activity.
  • Response to stress or changes in the home: A cat may escape if it feels stressed or uncomfortable in its home due to major changes, such as the arrival of a new animal, a move or even remodeling.
  • Desire to return to previous home: If you have moved with your cat to a new place, it is possible that the cat will try to return to its previous home if it had one before living with you.
  • Reaction to the outdoor environment: Cats sometimes feel threatened or uncomfortable outdoors due to the presence of other animals, dogs, unfamiliar people or loud noises. They may escape in an attempt to flee stressful situations.
  • Attraction to other cats or animals: Cats may be attracted to other cats or animals living nearby and may try to interact with them.


There are some actions to take to prevent your cat from escaping. For example, you can keep your cat in an enriched environment with toys, activities and adequate attention. It is also important to sterilize it. Thus the desire to wander will disappear, as well as the need for mating.

A good tip is to provide your cat with a safe outdoor space as much as possible. This can be a fenced yard or a supervised play area.

It is important to keep doors and windows closed or secured. This will prevent your cat from going out unsupervised.

Identifying your cat with a collar and a tag with contact information can be essential in case your cat is lost. You may also consider a microchip to facilitate identification in case your cat escapes.

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