Cats Tips

Why cats bite

gatos muerden
Escrito por Mundocachorro

Cats are capable of captivating millions with their grace and mystery. However, they can also sometimes be unpredictable, especially when it comes to their behavior, such as biting habits. To understand why cats bite, it is necessary to explore various factors that influence their behavior. In this post we tell you all about this behavior of your kitten.

Why cats bite

  1. Hunting instinct:

Cats are predators by nature, and their hunting instinct is ingrained in their DNA. Although domestic cats may be fed regularly, this instinct persists in their behavior. Aggressive play is a way for cats to express their hunting instinct, and sometimes this can result in bites during play.

  1. Communication:

Cats use a variety of signals to communicate, and often resort to biting as a way of expressing their feelings. For example, a cat may bite gently as a way of showing affection or as a sign that it is tired of being petted. They may also bite harder as a warning that they feel uncomfortable or threatened.

  1. Deficient socialization:

Cats that have not been properly socialized from an early age may develop behavioral problems, including a biting habit. Lack of interaction with other cats or humans during the socialization stage can lead to difficulties in communicating properly and aggressive behavior.

  1. Stress and anxiety:

Like humans, cats can experience stress and anxiety in certain situations. Changes in the environment, the presence of other animals or unfamiliar people, or even changes in daily routine can cause stress in cats. In response to this stress, some cats may resort to biting behavior as a way of releasing their anxiety or defending themselves.

  1. Foul play:

Play is an important part of a cat’s life and can be a form of exercise and mental enrichment. However, sometimes play can become too rough, especially if cats are overstimulated or if they are playing with humans’ hands or feet. In such cases, cats may bite as part of play, but this can cause injury if not handled properly.

What to do if your cat bites?

If your cat bites you, it is important not to punish it physically, as this can only make the situation worse and damage the relationship between you and your pet. Instead, try to understand why your cat is biting and address the underlying cause. For example, make sure your cat has enough toys and activities to keep him physically and mentally stimulated.


It is also important that if you have a kitten, be sure to properly socialize it by exposing it to different people, animals and environments from an early age. By observing your cat’s cues and respecting his personal space, you will be able to tell if he is showing signs of discomfort or stress. In these cases, give him time to calm down.

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