Dogs Tips

Why can a person be allergic to dogs?

A person can be allergic to dogs when they trigger an allergic reaction in their body, such as sneezing and others. This is an allergic reaction to proteins found in the saliva, dead skin (scales), urine and sebaceous gland secretions of dogs. In fact, these allergenic proteins can trigger an exaggerated immune response in some people who are sensitive to them.

It is important to know that in general, allergies to dogs are similar to allergies to cats. In addition, the triggers of allergies in these cases are allergens, substances responsible for triggering allergic reactions when they come into contact with the person. While allergens can be pollen, dust, dust mites or some foods, in the case at hand, allergens are substances that are present in dogs or cats. That is, in the case of dogs, a person can develop an allergy to their hair, saliva, feces or even skin.

On the other hand, researchers have managed to isolate the allergens capable of producing the greatest allergic reactions to dogs, finding the protein called Can f 1. This is responsible for most allergic reactions in people.

How to tell if a person is allergic to dogs

Allergies often trigger reactions in people. That is, when a person is exposed to allergens, his or her immune system reacts by releasing histamine and other chemicals into the body.

The main allergic symptoms are the following:

  • Sneezing and nasal congestion.
  • Itchy eyes, nose and throat.
  • Coughing and shortness of breath.
  • Skin rashes or hives.
  • Asthma in severe cases.

It is important to keep in mind that not all people who have contact with dogs develop allergies. Predisposition to pet allergies can be influenced by genetic, environmental and personal factors. In addition, some dog breeds may trigger allergies more frequently than others due to differences in their coat or the proteins they produce.

Managing allergies

To manage dog allergies, allergy sufferers can take steps such as limiting their exposure to dogs, keeping the house clean of hair and scales, using air purifiers and, in some cases, taking allergy medications under the supervision of a physician.

Immunotherapy methods, such as allergy shots, may also be considered to reduce sensitivity to allergens in dogs over time. If you have symptoms of dog allergy, it is recommended that you consult a health care professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

It is important to remember that a dog allergy does not mean that a person has to avoid dogs altogether. Dog owners can take steps to reduce allergy symptoms. These measures include wearing a mask when near a dog, using a vacuum cleaner with a high performance filter to remove dog hair, and regular bathing of dogs to reduce the amount of allergens in the air.

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