
What are the most widespread myths about dogs?

Dogs are one of the most popular pets in the world and therefore there are some myths and beliefs that are widespread but not true. In this article we tell you about the most widespread myths about dogs and what is the reality in each case. Take note and discover more about your adorable canine pet every day!

Most widespread myths about dogs

It is their popularity that has led to certain beliefs about our furry pets. Let’s see what are the most widespread myths about dogs:

  • Dogs see in black and white. Many people believe that dogs’ vision only allows them to see in two colors, that is, black and white. The reality is that although their vision is not as sharp as that of humans and they have difficulty distinguishing certain colors, they can see a limited range of colors, mainly in shades of blue and yellow. They are also able to see a variety of shades of gray. Where they may have some difficulty is in seeing warm colors such as red and pink.
  • One dog year is equivalent to seven human years. This is one of the most widespread myths about dogs and yet the most erroneous. The reality is that the life expectancy of a dog is conditioned by a large number of factors. These include genetics, diet, lifestyle, breed and size. It is a reality that dogs age earlier than humans, since their average life span is shorter. But the seven-year rule does not apply.
  • Wagging its tail because it is happy. A widely held belief about dogs is that when they wag their tails it is because they are happy. The reality is that there are many reasons why a dog may wag its tail and not all of them are related to happiness. For example, a nervous, frustrated, anxious or even aggressive dog may wag its tail. Attention should be paid to other signs such as posture and expression in order to correctly interpret your mood.
  • Bitches need to be mothers at least once. Although there is a widespread belief that bitches must have at least one litter of puppies to be healthy, experts say this is not true. On the contrary, this is a false fact, in addition to the fact that it is irresponsible to bring more puppies into the world when there are so many dogs waiting to be adopted. What is scientifically proven is that a spayed dog will be less likely to suffer from diseases and health problems.
  • Pedigree dogs always get sick. While there are some health-related conditions in certain breeds of dogs, not all purebred dogs suffer from diseases. This is also associated with the belief that mongrel dogs never get sick. Although it is possible that mongrel dogs are less predisposed to suffer from certain pathologies, this does not free them from falling ill.

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